That depends on whether or not it was one of their guys.As it is, they scream "dictatorship" whenever they have to do anything they don't feel like doing, or face even the mildest social disapproval for their terrible words and actions.That said, Bush the Lesser openly stated, on the record, that he would be OK with a dictatorship, like it was harmless fun:

“If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier... as long as I'm the dictator. Hehehe.”

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I had a former boss who was born in another country, and also (for unrelated reasons) was rather difficult to work for.He asked his bookkeeper, who was responsible for the company's tax return, to do some things that were questionable, to say the least.She quite rightly refused, and when he incredulously asked her why not, she said, "Because I have to sign my name to the return, and I don't want the IRS after me."His response was, "[sarcastic whiny voice] Oooh, the IRS! The IRS! [back to normal voice] What can THEY do?"

We all just kinda stared, like, "You really AREN'T from here, are you?"

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I assume that you were being sarcastic here, but *she literally did*.

From electoral-vote.com:"Palin also managed to make herself the object of some derisive laughter in the courtroom when, being faced with questions she did not like, she attempted to object. The judge had to explain that witnesses are not allowed to object."

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You're thinking of Kif from "Futurama".

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Perhaps somebody tipped them off about something.

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Having the vapors on the veranda.

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"Mistakes were made."

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"Party of Reagan" was no fantastic bargain, either.He may have smiled a lot, but he was a vicious old bastard who dismantled the social safety net, and started us down the slippery slope of dismissing anything inconvenient as "fake".

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Probably - it happens

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They even skipped developing a platform! Instead they just committed to Trumpism at their convention. Like Tessiee said, no policies.

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these people are delusional, even when they're lusional.

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they were always contemptible, just better at hiding it. in fact, so good at it that it rubbed off onto the dems as well. I think the dem tide is turning for the better since Clinton and his deplorable "welfare reform". the gopers, OTOH, are continuing their descent down the dark ladder.

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they were never good, just relatively less shitty, or better at hiding their shittiness.

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The Republican party are a human centipede cum oroborass. A chain of people in a circle with their heads up each others' asses.

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Gingrich pushed the bus over the cliff. Before him, and his approved list of framing language, compromise was possible.

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