NBC wanted a minion on board in case you-know-who wins so they don’t get put in the disloyalty camps

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There were election “problems,” in 2020. Namely, the “problems” were lies Trump and his butthairs spread starting months before the election about mail-in-voting. Without evidence (as always) Trump wailed about voting by mail and all the fraud somehow only liberals would commit. It was all bullshit designed to sow doubt about the results, so that if Trump lost, he could simply deny it.

Trump and his satellite crew of liars have done immeasurable damage to our democracy and our society. He pushed his party to disgusting extremes, making it impossible for decent people to forgive maga voters. It’s not about policy differences or values anymore. We aren’t offended by people who want lower taxes, or who believe in “traditional” family values. We are horrified that people forgive his lies, his vile rhetoric and his repugnant personality.

McDaniel is a liar and election denier. “People who were disenfranchised from observing the vote count…”. Yes, disruptive wingnuts pointing and screaming at election workers were removed, because thousands of them suddenly insisted they “watch” for fraud. There were no unusual irregularities in the 2020 election. Only the behavior of the defeated incumbent and his gang of thugs before and after the election was unusual and irregular.

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Wow, Rachel just said everything that needed to be said. Just remarkable.

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You're shocked that a network that paid Chuck "I have no followups" Todd as a "journalist" for 14 years would hire this person?

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I'd like to get on my high dudgeon and announce to the world that I will never, under any circumstances, watch NBC news again, but the last time I watched NBC News, Huntley and Brinkley were on, and that was because my parents were watching it.

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Maybe NBC could trade for Mick Mulvaney?

Nothing is good about this, not even the joke potential.

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I too would like to get paid $300K to spew utter bullshit. Where do I sign up?

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If NBC only has her on in one on one situations (no panels where she can just shout over everyone) with an anchor who is prepared to challenge her, I have no problems with this. Although why they need to spend so much on her is questionable. I'm pretty sure she would be willing to show up just to share her love of the proven rapist Defendant Trump for free.

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If they want an accurate view into GOP politics, why not hire Ken Buck. Or Liz Cheney.

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Well golly! I might just have to tune in to Rachel Maddow tonight.

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My NBC affiliate is owned by Sinclair anyway, so I never watch their "news".

It appears NBC learned absolutely nothing from their dealings with Megyn Kelly.

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NBC might have decided that since Trump turned on McDaniel, she will now be objective about him. Apparently they have never heard of Mike Pence or Allen Weisselberg.

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It’s so great to see the Trump Party (formerly known as the GOP) in such disarray. Pass the Samuel Adams, please!

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How much more clear can you get being owned my rwnjs who thinks fascism is a good idea and facts are fuckless.

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It has become increasingly clear that "regular" news has decided that the money is in sensationalism. CLICK HERE! The controversy over the hiring of Ronna McLiar is what they were seeking, not something they were trying to avoid. They're pulling a CNN but without the announcement. They've essentially decided to become the Weekly World News except instead of aliens on the cover, it will be Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos, Donald Trump, and Matt Gaetz. Americans are being screwed because they think the news is still real when in reality it is written, tailored and produced for the sole purpose of profit.

Also, too, "Shocking backbone from a man whose interview questions are famous for being as pointed as a cue ball." Well done, Marcie.

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This is a product of the same mindset that says special counsel, prosecutors of Repub politicians, the Director of the FBI, CIA and DoD have to be Republicans. No mas.

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