Specifically, only the United States east of the Rockies is the globe in their view. The west coast apparently doesn't exist, even though this non-existent place is constantly denounced by wingnuts.

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Fox News would spend an entire day tearing down that statement because Obama is only half black.

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To destroy us, of course.

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What this country needs what every country needs occasionally is a good hard bloody war to revive the vice of patriotism on which its existence as a nation depends. - Ambrose Bierce

Patriotism. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. - Ambrose Bierce

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Destroy us with healthcare and prosperity...that evil, crafty Muslin.

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If Obama loved America, he would fuck it like Dubya did.

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Sometimes I find it really, really hard to like my fellow Americans.

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100% of people chose Barabbas.

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If Obama called a press conference and stated only "I'm black." then walked off, in subsequent polls 69% of Republicans would deny that he is black or question it just because they don't want to appear to agree with him.

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So it's like being "Christian," except you substitute "CUNTRY" for "JEESUS."

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It's Obama's own fault. He should have named his book "Dreams of My Father, who wished he was a real American like me and loved America as much as I do".

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Barbara Boxer for at least Vice President please.

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He couldn't even cease to exist right.Unless maybe he used his time machine to prevent his own birth...

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Yeah, but of course there needs to be a BIG asterisk, in that they are polling people who will actually talk to pollsters. Wonder what % of the American public that comes to?

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Dear Founding Fathers:Sorry that we let the whole "more perfect Union" to "promote the general Welfare" thing that you worked so hard to put together go all to shit.

Your Descendants.

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Sad to say that was THE highlight of McCain's campaign.

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