that happens to so many great shows

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In my experience growing up in Catholic school, these comments critical of mindless consumerism and needless suffering and poverty were standard sermons. Pope John Paul II, as much as he hated the communists who took over eastern Europe, said that he appreciated some of their ideals like everyone having meaningful work and wages to go with it. Pope Benedict railed on the "cruelness of capitalism." I have always thought the Catholic church's stance on economics and class were quite radical.

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There's a mediaeval word for saying "#NotMyPope", it's SCHISM, and it's bad:

"it is contrary to charity and obedience; to the former, because it severs the ties of fraternal charity, to the latter, because the schismatic rebels against the Divinely constituted hierarchy." - Catholic Encyclopedia

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Yeah, that's the hope. I know a few people who still think Ayn Rand is a brilliant genius. Mostly rich, spoiled brats who've never really grown up, because they never had to.

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Lol that might be enough for me to un-lapse!

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I left the Church years ago for the Society of Friends, in part because of the scandals, a situation that was especially disgusting in my diocese. But I'm still glad to see someone like Francis who places such emphasis on social justice ministry as Pope. He seems like genuinely good man.

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Pope's a Jesuit. They are all about the preferential option for the poor and social justice.The OG social justice warriors if you will.

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thank YOU so much for this. We do all we can for the wildfire fighters around here.

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That, and just precisely who are they gonna sell all their priceless artworks to? The art was created by the original artists for the church; it is what attracts tourists to their monuments. Why do they sell their national treasures when no one else has to?

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Are we going to hide the Antipope in Avignon again, or do they have somewhere new in mind?

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Yes, educated and empathetic. Pope Francis is the best pope in my lifetime. And I'm non-religious.

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The Sistine Chapel was and St Peter's basilica certainly.Not all of it was created for them, the Roman burial artifacts certainly weren't. I remember seeing a Roman marble sarcophagus and thinking that was a shitty thing to display.

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There is enough production . . . yet farmers are plowing under their crops, and pouring milk down the drain, right now, while store shelves are being picked bare. Yet nobody on the right stops to think that maybe this system is fucked up.

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Didn’t play for the Lions, that’s for sure.

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I haven't been to a church wedding in over a decade.

All of our friends that have been married have done so in nonreligious venues, and by people that weren't of faith.

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Bill Barr also too.

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