My cat Awful purrs so loudly that when she gets on the bed in the middle of the night, she usually wakes me up. Lawn mower is a perfect description of the sound!

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Cheap? Don`t recall if it was Spy magazine or someone else that sent out checks to several fat cats, Kashoggi the arms dealer and Trump was the only ones to cash them, it was 27 cents.

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these pretzels are making me thirsty.

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Missed the chance to say "Please peruse this passel of putzes!"

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That would be its ass.

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Don't forget the non voters and the Bernie supporters who refused to vote for Hillary. Yes, I know most Bernie supporters voted for Hill in the end, like grownups, and I thank them. But the huge war between Hillary voters and Bernie supporters was fueled by Russian posts giving lots of love to Bernie, and Bernie supporters who thought "Murica" needed to be taught a lesson". I hope they learned theirs.

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I hear he's way way cheap, unless he's spending other people's money (scam results like Trump U). Look at the way he's stiffed people, knowing he could outlast them if they sued.

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What a little sweetie!

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I would hit it with a brick of votes right upside its..whatever that thing is on top of its shoulders is.

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Richard Moll libelz!!!111!

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I love concept albums!

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Would hit it.

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Did Trump think that this guy was qualified to be AG just because he played a bailiff on TV in the 80s?

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The thing no one seems to pick up on in this story is that Trump could not afford a measly 150k to pay off Stormy. Why is that? Mr. Billionaire couldn't get the cash together when his self proclaimed pockets are lined with gold so Cohen had to use his home equity line of credit to pay and then had a tough time getting reimbursed? We need to see those tax returns cuz our grifty Drumpf seems to have been straight broke and as his son DJ said, over leveraged to Russian oligarchs. Show us your tax returns Dear Leader!

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