There are many opinions. I follow a normally decent Twitter account but they despise Prince Harry's "abandonment" of his duties to the point of irrationality. I do not think Royals can win, no matter whether they remain figureheads or go jobhunting.

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Need a really good filter..

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One company did, others are considering it. An article on the subject noted that those were still drops in the bucket compared to the bank they're making now. Also reminded people to change their insurance if they're no longer driving to work.

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"people of all faiths, and of none"

I can't imagine any politician here acknowledging that some Americans are atheists.Hell, too many of them would refuse to acknowledge that we're anything other than white Protestant Christians.

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What, better than Hupmobile?

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That's not a comic; that's a documentary.

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Do I have to pronounce "colour" and "flavour" as they're spelled?

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"Nobody knew" or "a lot of people don't know this" = LITERALLY EVERYONE ON EARTH KNEW THIS, but Trump found it out ten minutes ago, and then only because one of his trusted ass-lickers told him, because he actively resists listening to anyone with actual knowledge.

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"she has a lot of ostentatious tat"

This made me picture Queenie with one of those big tattoos that covers her entire arm.

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I know the feeling, and am almost ready to forgive Her Majesty for things she didn't do to begin with.

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No, worse. A Trump.

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Or anywhere in the house. Gack, that stuff stinks.

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Obama did that in his first Inaugural Address... my beloved and I were sitting next to one another in the cafeteria at work, watching it with hundreds of coworkers, and when he said "we are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers" we both got so excited we high-fived one another.

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Absolutely the first thing I thought of when I heard her say that, thanks to my addiction to period dramas and wartime detective programs... and then I was shocked to learn that Vera Lynn is still alive, also too.

They make old ladies tough over there.

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Yup - in his first inaugural address, he said "we are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers" and I started to cry.

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Reportedly, when asked if he recognized "the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists" he said "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under god."


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