She has always struck me as defensive or snippy in the statements she would release related to Melania, and she has carried that on into her new position. Who needs a federal legal system ANYWAY! She might have a little larger vocabulary than Sarah but that's the only improvement I saw. BTW I read some gossip that it's because of her that Schlapp left, but who knows.

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So I read on the Twitter that the Maryland Judge Hazel, who had ordered the parties to enter something on MOnday has moved that up to Friday at 2 pm .

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That was my first thought as well.

Win/win for the Trumpers - either it gets done with the question included, or they get to throw up their hands and say, 'oh well, we'll have to postpone it'.

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That was the point of the tweet. Keep the issue active and the situation confused. The Republicans in my state did the same thing with voter ID. They kept sending out mixed messages so most people did not know until they walked in to the voting location of an ID was needed or not. I was not, but there were likely thousands of people who skipped voting.

In addition, Trump has been trying to start rumors that he will allow other federal agencies to have access to the census records, a big no no according to the law, but something that will make it hard to get an accurate count because of Trump, Republicans in Congress, and some courts ignoring laws. Anyone trying to stay under the government radar, be it undocumented immigrants, parents not paying child support, or people who just don't trust the government anyway, will not volunteer any information.

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That's the other, other, other L-word.

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All kinds of fuckery is possible here. My guess is they're also printing alternate forms with the question included, or printing an addendum to the current forms, and will keep trying to come up with the right explanation for the Supreme Court.

Let's not underestimate their commitment to better enforcing the Voting Rights Act.

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Perhaps there would be some sensitivity about this census question from the righties if a Democratic president wanted to add this question: "Do you own a gun?"

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At this point it doesn't matter that the question is gone, if it is. Emperor Cheeto is on record calling it fake news, and he can both fan the base and scare the darkies like he intended all along, just by insisting that up is down, black is white and war is peace. At first, it was just Truth no longer mattered, but by now, reality doesn't count anymore, either.

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Cross posting this...At this point it doesn't matter that the question is gone, if it is. Emperor Cheeto is on record calling it fake news, and he can both fan the base and scare the darkies like he intended all along, just by insisting that up is down, black is white and war is peace. At first, it was just Truth no longer mattered, but by now, reality doesn't count anymore, either.

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OMG the kerning in that font is blergh.... born != bom

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Oh, no. They got Judge Hazel. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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We just want to know in case we need to form a militia real quick.

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Government by temper tantrum. I thought we were done with that once we got rid of the stupider royal families, but here we are.

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Oh, I am quite sure he thinks exactly that. The longer this all goes on, the more he's been thinking he's really the Sun King.

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