If he is impeached but then stays in office like Clinton?

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Its understandable that Stone would be hedging his bets and holding out for a pardon considering the fact that all of the other slimeballs that crimed with Trumples got pardoned and are cashing in as we speak. Wait, what, no one has been pardoned from this admin or the Trumpty campaign?

Well, someone has to be first right. This totally highlights the wrong of Presidential pardons also too. There is no way that an obvious criminal that co-conspired with an obvious criminal Preznident should ever be allowed to be handed a deal that provides a clean slate and no penalty. This in my mind is simply another crime.Criminals benefitting criminals legally makes absolutely no sense.

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Well I understand he did not repent on his deathbed actually.

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He doesn't need to wait until his last day. He's already pardoned plenty of people (e.g. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Birther fame). He's now planning to pardon a bunch of people who did war crimes in Iraq or Afghanistan.

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Doubt it. Curious how those who are rich and powerful or at least move in the corridors of power, if only in the murky shadows like rats, are never on the eugenicists' lists of people to remove. It's always the poor and powerless and uneducated. No, make that just the poor and powerless. Sometimes the well-educated are among the first targets for removal. Eugenics measures have always been more political than scientific.

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I think he cultivates that impression. It seems to be his lifelong ambition to be thought some kind of a badass wingnut martyr.

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Or go near a bathtub.

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Oh WOW, you are so right my friend. Thank you for that!

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We already know what happens to people who spills the beans about Trump, and it doesn’t include pardons.

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Honestly? Probably Trump. I sincerely doubt he will receive a conviction of any kind.

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I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he'd go to russia after this is all over.

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It is a tad confusing, because a burger at Whataburger is called a Whataburger.

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What's a Whataburger that has cheese called? Or does a Whataburger come with cheese? In which case, What do you call a Whataburger without cheese? A Howaburger?

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I just read that in Arnie's voice.

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It's Ultimate Performance Art.

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He will still face the state charges. NY will come after him hard.

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