The Red Flag Drink That Bartenders Can Spot A Mile Away! Tabs, Wed., July 19, 2023
You know me so well, clickbait. Morning news roundup!
Welcome to today’s tabs, your morning news roundup and shit Rebecca’s reading. If you’re subscribed to our newsletter, you should be getting this every day, so I’ve asked our guy why only about a third of you are. If you don’t want to receive it, click on your face in the top right corner and unsubscribe the one that says TABS.
Michigan AG Dana Nessel has introduced a “complaint” (different than an indictment somehow, but along the same lines) of all the rightwing fringe Trumpettes who signed on to be his fake Michigan electors. Dana Nessel should get more Wonkette love. — Michigan announcement / Nessel video on Twitter / NBC News / lawsplainer at Joyce Vance substack
Oh man, Substack can’t embed tweets since Elno fucked the API (?) bed (which is better honestly, too many of our posts were just littered with them), but you guys promise me you’ll click Old Handsome Joe right here. LOL heart hug heart eyes emoji!
Here you guys have a very nice paragraph about how progressive policy has now gone Democrat mainstream:
Free lunch for all students. Student loan forgiveness. Hundreds of billions of dollars in federal spending to increase the use of cleaner energy sources and fight climate change. A massive economic stimulus plan that showed little regard for the budget deficit. Specific policies to address the effects of systemic racism. A focus on improving the economy, instead of education reform, to increase the earnings of Black and Latino Americans in particular. Bans on non-compete clauses. Universal tax credits for parents. Unabashed support for abortion rights, labor unions and gender-affirming health care. Opposition to mergers of big corporations. Sharp criticism of companies for imposing complicated and unnecessary fees on customers. The appointments of civil rights lawyers and public defenders to federal judgeships instead of corporate lawyers and prosecutors. The removal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and a major rollback in the use of airstrikes abroad as part of antiterrorism efforts.
And that’s the Democratic centrists. — Gift link Washington Post
Like this one! “When Gretchen Whitmer first emerged as the likely Democratic candidate for governor of Michigan, in late 2017, the mayor of Detroit, Mike Duggan, circulated a memo urging labor unions and Democrats to find a better-known figure to lead the ticket.” Well I guess Mike Duggan was wrong! “How Gretchen Whitmer made Michigan a Democratic stronghold.” — New Yorker
Well at least Republicans know how stupid and crazy they look when they deny global warming — hi Phoenix! Hi Texas! Hi Florida! Hi everywhere! — so now they’ve got An Idea. It’s not the World’s Most Terrible Idea, although the whole monoculture issue will have a lot of knock-on effects, but it’s still wrong. Oh, did I say “Republicans know”? Well, you know what this story’s gonna end with. And then some! (AP)
Yesterday was a real real bad day for news about our friendly red-state governments torturing children. First Dok wrote about Greg Abbott ordering state troopers to push small children back into the Rio Grande. Then Gary came into the chat cave with this one, about children tried as adults who are now in windowless cells in Angola state prison, as the “heat indexes” reach 133 degrees. He offered to write it up for you, but it was too much for one day. Nah, I said, I’ll put it in tabs. (The Appeal)
Longer on the Florida sheriff we’ve met recently who doesn’t like Nazis, and wants to fight them behind the gym? Man Bites Dog Bites Nice Time! (Talking Points Memo)
Our billionaires are not okay. Amanda Marcotte wants to save the billionaires from their own poor mental health, with taxes. — Salon
Speaking of, Elon Musk is suing the law firm that sued him into buying Twitter, for winning. I don’t know, I’m sure it makes sense to him. (Forbes)
Damn, that is the face of a very skinny man VERY HAPPY to have been picked up by a Mexican tuna boat! (And his very good dog.) — AP
Red flag drinks! (Tasting Table)
I’ve been forgetting to put our Amazon link in! If you are shopping on Amazon anyway, it gives us a small cut.
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This Saturday's Wonkette Movie Night is Blazing Saddles available for free on the Internet Archives: and Prime Video(free with subscription.)