A Russian Orthodox mass is not something that your average Qbert is going to recognize as even vaguely Christian. It's very different, I was amazed and I've lived with Catholicism as practiced in Latin America.
When Putin was first president of Russia he convinced the government to spend $100 million rebuilding the Russian Orthodox cathedral that Stalin had razed, as well as restoring hundreds of other churches and monasteries that had been neglected for most of a century. (The Soviets never shut down the Russian Orthodox church.) In exchange the church named his choice as their new Prelate (kind of sort of like their version of Pope). The fellow was a former KGB coworker of his.
One of my roommates was a big Rolling Stones fan, and her little brother called her and said, "Did you hear the new song from Rolling Stones?" She was puzzled, since they hadn't released any new music recently so said that she hadn't. "Yeah, they did a remake of Devo's 'Satisfaction'!"
[T]he imaginary devolution Patel Patriot speaks of is a weird ass theory wherein Trump never actually stopped being president, and actually the military is in charge now but they are letting Biden pretend he is president, for reasons.This is the same frame of mind of children who say "My real mommy and daddy are royalty/ninjas/wizards/aliens and are coming to take me back home any day now."
Thanks for the schoolin'.
I reach. Just because we can - even must - take another life, doesn't mean we should take it lightly. I admire your fearless introspection.
A Russian Orthodox mass is not something that your average Qbert is going to recognize as even vaguely Christian. It's very different, I was amazed and I've lived with Catholicism as practiced in Latin America.
When Putin was first president of Russia he convinced the government to spend $100 million rebuilding the Russian Orthodox cathedral that Stalin had razed, as well as restoring hundreds of other churches and monasteries that had been neglected for most of a century. (The Soviets never shut down the Russian Orthodox church.) In exchange the church named his choice as their new Prelate (kind of sort of like their version of Pope). The fellow was a former KGB coworker of his.
The Ukrainian military outnumber the Russian troops deployed by over 2.5 to 1, and yet Kiev is about to fall.
One of my roommates was a big Rolling Stones fan, and her little brother called her and said, "Did you hear the new song from Rolling Stones?" She was puzzled, since they hadn't released any new music recently so said that she hadn't. "Yeah, they did a remake of Devo's 'Satisfaction'!"
Kept me amused for the rest of the week.
Maybe we should invite Russia to join NATO. He's clearly feeling left out and lonesome.
[T]he imaginary devolution Patel Patriot speaks of is a weird ass theory wherein Trump never actually stopped being president, and actually the military is in charge now but they are letting Biden pretend he is president, for reasons.This is the same frame of mind of children who say "My real mommy and daddy are royalty/ninjas/wizards/aliens and are coming to take me back home any day now."
There used to be a US band called 'Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin'Might still be around, but they haven't had an album since 2013.
Greed always being the ultimate goal.
So did Nixon - Reagan basically invited the religious right into the Republican Party
Nothing of importance was lost...
Uh, this says "Finish Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Thursday"
Are they teliing us Putin's next target?
I have it also, but I probably recorded it and other early DEVO singles on a cassette so I could play it in the car, and at home.
That's like hearing people say that Nick Lowe 'covered' Elvis Costello's "Peace, Love, and Understanding"!