Yeah, what's up with that, stroke?

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Puppies never do ANYTHING wrong!

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Get back to me when you've seen Season 3.


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until they figure out that mrs mcconnell got the job in exchange for mr mcconnell looking the other way about the russian hacking.

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not to nitpick, but bill murray is 66. he doesn't need obamacare, he has medicare. but it's still awesome that he was invited to putt at the WH. maybe next year chachi can do the same

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fuck the hack attack, what about the zack attackhttps://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Take a good look, people. That's the last we'll see of the Oval Office before it becomes gold plated and, and . . . oh, my stomach.

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Maybe I'm naive, but wasn't Perry indicted? Won't be it be tricky running the office from cell block H?

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Trump's choice for Rick (I Fuck Goats) Perry for DOE, as the Department name has only six letters and three syllables, which is the peak output of Rick Perry's brain. Plus, he has a ranch named Niggerhead, so he'll be a hoot with the GOP at the parties and functions.

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I remember the good ole' dayz when anyone saying something even remotely flattering to the Russians was hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee and third-degreed until they cried Uncle.

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They'll all pass, unless Democrats were to do what they're not going to do, and take the reckless, desperate, and deeply necessary step of starting to act like an opposition party (and the last guardian of democracy itself, as America tumbles at breakneck speeds into outright fascism).

The only way to restore some semblance of a democracy (or of a republic--I threw that in for those John Birch crazies who always chime in to change the subject by saying, "America is not a democracy, you clueless commie, it's a republic") is for Democrats to realize the stakes are higher than themselves, and to act with unity and nobility.

This is something they are not going to do. They couldn't even stand up to defend health care for dying coal miners.

They can't face the nasty headlines at the New York Times, or the ugly panel conversations on the network shows on Sunday morning, those festive gatherings when Republican operatives and Republican politicians are invited in to the network studios each week to deny all charges and to suggest that Democrats, political protests, unions, public schools, regulations, the safety net, taxes on wealth, anti-Republican news outlets, and dissenting professors probably need to be banned, for the sake of the Freedom Agenda.

Our poor Democrats in Washington don't ever want to be the Democrat held up by John Dickerson or Chuck Todd or George Stephanopoulos in a brief, brutally-edited clip just before the panel discussion (three Republican operatives, a retired Republican politician, and two right-wing journalists join Chuck to talk about the Week In Review), as an example of a Democrat who is Just Being Political And Messing Up All The Good Stuff When Donald Trump Is Only Trying To Make America Great Again And Why Won't Democrats Give Him A Chance Are They Working For A Foreign Power Or Something (No Republican Would Ever Work For A Foreign Power)?

So Donald's deranged and corrosive nominees will, on the whole, be confirmed. A few Democrats may make some critical comments, and these will either be entirely ignored by the nightly newscasts, or edited down to make the Democrats look really dreadful, and after this all the Democrats will simply fall silent and glumly vote, with enough Red State Democrats breaking in favor of the nominees to assure victory.

Democrats don't seem to want to fight for the democracy, which is really sad, because if they don't, it's gone. I mean, it's fundamentally gone already, but in theory it would still be possible to get it back, if people recognized how high-stakes this all is, and really, really fought, and refused to be cowed by the network news operations.

But they're not going to fight. It's just a fact.

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OT, but for some reason this strange eye twitch just won't clear up.

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Yes, but remember the five minute rule.

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An excellent choice.

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classic puppy v. kitten.the dog wants to catch and chew the ball and string, while the cat just wants to chase it.cute indeed!

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