Well done, Buster.

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Those other thugs. You know, the Democraps.

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I'm sure FK will be returned the balance of the subscription fee <strike>when</strike> if she cancels it before a year is up.

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lol, I actually read her autobiography- she was likely drunk the whole time she was in the studio

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Pity that they were never able to get through to her, or her brood.

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the one percent need their storm troopers

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Sadly, that's a serious problem in the U.S. The unions were so successful at gaining rights for people that those people can't imagine a time before they had those rights and benefits- so they don't appreciate what those unions did for them. It may well come down to having to hit rock bottom and going back to the bad old days before the 40 hour week, before overtime, before workplace safety rules, before child labor laws, before livable wages- so people can once again remember what exactly those unions did for them. Of course, then it will be too late and we'll have to repeat the whole bloody mess over again and hope this time people don't get complacent and take those wins for granted.

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Maybe that lake is on a hill...

(more likely, she's using a scab cameraman- namely herself and a tripod)

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Don't be sorry. Painful as it is, we have to pay attention to the babbling of those who would deliver us into the hands of corporate overlords and the one percent. Even when that means being assaulted by the word salad.

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Having just listened to the piece on Molly Ivins, I cannot possibly listen to this.

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<strike>Rosie</strike> Sarah looks to be trying to punch her own nose.

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Have her EYES always pointed in two different directions like that? I have not been able to look directly upon Medusa in a long time so I might've lost track.

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I regret sanctioning this project. I'm sorry Wonketters.

And as a card carrying Union firefighter I would like to say Fuck You John McCain for providing a forum for the shit-fer-brains.

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Nice stock photo of the bbq, Lou Sarah. At least we were spared a picture of you and yours.

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That's okay, fartknocker. No doubt she'll be quittin' it soon enough.

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I cant stand to listen to that whiney ass voice so let me guess!!! Ben Franklin after working so hard on inventing the telephone told the Russians we were going to take a break from working so hard and have a day off then Saint Ronnie made it a national Holiday because of Iran but it is in danger of being taken away now because of Obama and Benghazi

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