I don't know about The Forgotten Man, but in that photo up there Duh Gov' sure looks like she forgot what the fuck she was thinking about.
Yeah, but not openly. You&#039;re supposed to tell the teabaggers how you&#039;re on <i>their</i> side. Judging from the GOP&#039;s ongoing schizoid crisis, it&#039;s possible that the dumbfucks are finally wising up, but Palin fans are a special case. And I do mean &quot;special&quot;.
Besides, they have their own casino - where they get to make the rules and set the odds . . . and when it all blows up, declare that they&#039;ve been the house all along.
Maybe because she didn&#039;t say anything? No wonder she worships St. Ronaldus Maximus - he was the true master of sounding good while saying bupkis, and almost nobody noticed that he was dishing up a word salad.
That was AMAZING, she only looked at her chest twice!
I don&#039;t know about The Forgotten Man, but in that photo up there Duh Gov&#039; sure looks like she forgot what the fuck she was thinking about.
<i>&quot; Ask Me Anything&quot;</i>
Saves Wonkette the trouble of applying the Blingee.
I think Ailes makes them mandatory for all females.
Yeah, but not openly. You&#039;re supposed to tell the teabaggers how you&#039;re on <i>their</i> side. Judging from the GOP&#039;s ongoing schizoid crisis, it&#039;s possible that the dumbfucks are finally wising up, but Palin fans are a special case. And I do mean &quot;special&quot;.
Besides, they have their own casino - where they get to make the rules and set the odds . . . and when it all blows up, declare that they&#039;ve been the house all along.
Too bad the &quot;think of&quot; part makes it self-defeating.
Millard Fillmore standing behind Lincoln . . . what does it <i>mean? </i>
Maybe because she didn&#039;t say anything? No wonder she worships St. Ronaldus Maximus - he was the true master of sounding good while saying bupkis, and almost nobody noticed that he was dishing up a word salad.
&quot;Don&#039;t let the banks take your muneez! Send your muneez to me instead.&quot;
Sarah P. Wasilla
<i>made worse by the policies of Mr. Obama and his allies in Congress</i>
Lol, wut?
We&rsquo;ve once again been ignored by our REPUBLICAN politicians, you brain-dead twunt!
Well, what do you expect from a person who acts like she&#039;s never left high school?
Showing the goods to the people who bought them.
&quot;did you even see the bedazzled nightmare Palin was wearing in that video?&quot;
Surely you jest. No one really watches those things. Even muted, they make the neighborhood dogs howl.