Now I'm picturing the demiguv with her head split open and all of the dark emptiness spilling out, consuming matter and light all around in a terrible Alaska-devouring singularity, a broad disk of easy marks' money accreting at the event horizon.
Well, clearly, it is a further homage to Patrick Stewart and his trademark <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=x2o77i74T48" target="_blank">shirt tug.</a>
Godammit it&#039;s trickled down to the plebs now, at least on my faceplace page. I&#039;m dreading the start of school when I&#039;m sure it will be the &quot;thing&quot; to do. You know, the cool teachers. I am not a cool teacher.
I turned the sound off on Caribou Barbie during the 2008 Republican National Convention and have not turned it back up since. Because SWEET LORD IN HEAVEN, THE PAIN.
That was worth watching.
You will be after they dump a bucket of ice water on you. Ahr ahr ahr.
Elected Ruminant Chuck Grassley Libel!
&quot;Sit <i>down,</i> Fartknocker.&quot;
Now I&#039;m picturing the demiguv with her head split open and all of the dark emptiness spilling out, consuming matter and light all around in a terrible Alaska-devouring singularity, a broad disk of easy marks&#039; money accreting at the event horizon.
Very funny. (Stomps off to classroom and shuts the door.)
Well, clearly, it is a further homage to Patrick Stewart and his trademark <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=x2o77i74T48" target="_blank">shirt tug.</a>
I haven&#039;t watched the video, but in the still shot the case is empty.
Did she melt into a heap of steaming clothing?
Yeah, but she said the check was for &quot;twice the amount.&quot; Two times zero is still zero.
Hell, it sure was with Benedict Cumberbatch. brb...
Godammit it&#039;s trickled down to the plebs now, at least on my faceplace page. I&#039;m dreading the start of school when I&#039;m sure it will be the &quot;thing&quot; to do. You know, the cool teachers. I am not a cool teacher.
Copulate? Oh wait, that&#039;s the other wingnut teevee grifter family.
I turned the sound off on Caribou Barbie during the 2008 Republican National Convention and have not turned it back up since. Because SWEET LORD IN HEAVEN, THE PAIN.
She would be nothing without Tina Fey.