What year did Limbaugh's radio show start again...?

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I'll bet Miss Peggington had a mean upper cut in her day. She certainly is the mean upper "crust" today.

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I'll be here, waiting to see what kind of birthday present I get this time. 2008 was pretty good.

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Oh, twuck this funt.

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It's got to be a downer that there has only been one death.

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Well, we get a lot of the "good" foreigns.*

*The ones that turn into Californians.

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Yeah. Those would be LEGAL immigrants, for one thing.

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When Nixon started courting frightened children. It was called the "Southern Strategy". Now they run the show -- or think they do, when in fact they're being herded by the Koch brothers and their ilk.

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<i>"And open borders make no sense in a world where deadly diseases now, and terrorists can breach borders and cause immense harm. It’s time — no it’s past time for the President to secure our borders."</i>

Shorter Palin: "Build the dang fence."

(22,000 Border Patrol agents might dispute her "open borders" premise. BTW that's up from 4,000 under Bush 41 and 11,000 under Bush 43.)

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Especially against Rick Santorum's screed about how the Jews didn't leave Germany under the Nazis. They tried! We turned them away (literally) by the boatload.

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Sounds to me like Griftie is on her way to a unifying theory of "every winger thing ever feared." Throw in a few more sentences about welfare mothers, the real liberal war on women, abortionplexes, taxes, guns, oil and Bengazi(!!1!!!!!11!), and she's got it. It doesn't need to make logical sense, it just needs to be dire and scary, and she'll keep collecting those donations.

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<em>We also know, though, that we’ve had years of stagnant wages, and tens of millions of Americans face unemployment and underemployment.</em>

Yeah, and even then no one other than an undocumented immigrant wanted to go pick lettuce out in the hot sun for $8 an hour. Georgia couldn't even force <em>prisoners</em> to do it well. So what does that say about the American spirit and "go-getter" attitude?

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at least lock up the wine coolers

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Sarah Palin is verbal Ebola

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<em>... exactly nine minutes and twenty-eight seconds of content.</em>

I spent more time than that just pooping. And, IMO, better content too.

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