You might be too reasonable to live in California.

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Yeah, thanks for reminding me.

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They'd still have to WIN the recall election. And if they lost, they just lose the SUPER majority. Not the majority. Changing the rules for a specific scenario is almost always bad policy.

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The adjectival form of that noun, as in Perfidious Albion, should be applied as a matter of course to people and things of the right. For example: Perfidious Donny Trump, Perfidious Newt Gingrich, Perfidious Mitch McConnell, the Perfidious Republican Party, and so forth, ad infinitum.

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You left out the bestest part about how perennial loser Carl DeMaio is leading this effort to get some notice for his whiny talk radio show. And mebbe, if he does real good, the GOP will ask him to lose the Governor's race in 2018.

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All our bases belong to GOP

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Keeping my fingers crossed on that single payer. E-mail or call your Assembly Critter.

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You've failed your Village entry exam. Do not pass go. Do not collect a six figure salary for saying "both sides do it."

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Interestingly enough, that's also how Hitler and Stalin ran elections.

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I still feel bad for Davis, he really wasn't to blame for Enron.

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Lady Jane Grey was portrayed by Bellatrix Lestrange on the big screen, too!

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Carl DeMaio is one of the asshats who should be specifically be targeted to be taxed and then driven into penury.

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Don't feel bad. When you join the real world you are forced to dumb down to a common-denominator kinda thing I think.

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"Best of nine?"

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Republicans behaving as petulant children. Sort of a daily thing since Ronald Raygun was elected. And now the US Senate has their he-man health care hating club to teach those who aren't wealthy not to get sick.

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I read a book about the Grey sisters, and being potentially in line for the throne really didn't work out well for any of them.

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