Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre...

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I think it safe to say you're not an alias for Larry Eisenberg.

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Yes it is.

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Disqus is secretly mad at us for being so celebratory and happy and stuff *shifty eyes* it's a conspiracy

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So'k, so why is about 4 bucks worth of yarn and maybe an hours worth of knitting =98 bucks? *Is not taking notes, swear*

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*shakes fist*

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Oily nutsack, oily nutsack, it's dark blue, it's dark blue

Suckers born per minute, suckers born per minute

Greasy dew...greasy dew

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The cooter is the gateway ... and wine coolers are the gateway drug.

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LOL of the day, CNN reports from London Pride that this was an ISIS flag.http://media.boingboing.net...http://www.mediaite.com/tv/...There is at least one Conservative in the comments who doesn't get it even after reading the article. Sigh.

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CNN gets pwned. The universe answers, "So what else is new?"

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Just in time!

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This story is totally dildoes.

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The story was fundamentally flawed because they didn't get to the bottom of it. They wound up just broadcasting a plug for ISIL.

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Ah, a pastiche of that comedy classic, 'Harry's Jockstrap.'

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Didn't he create the Motel 6 chain?

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Until today, I had never heard of Regretsy or even of Etsy itself. Shows you how much of a clueless Old I am.

I haven't managed to access the Regretsy archive, assuming it still exists. I am happy to report, however, that April Winchell's collection of howlingly awful mp3 files is still available, even to the terminally un-cool:


This is really wretched stuff, like watching freight trains collide head-on only with music.

Please, somebody tell me that the Mr. Blackwell TV special still exists complete on video.

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