My brother always told me that he had more hookups at these antigay thingies than any where else. He said the biggest plus was not having to buy drinks.

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I really don't get how the "get naked and jerk off in front of *male* life coaches is going to make them change. Wouldn't you think they'd have *female* "life coaches"?

Sounds more than slightly strange, just to start.


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Probably there's more money in apps etc. to hide your cell phone location from the government ....

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Remember, always ground your tin foil hat!

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Tachoth, I think.

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Romans live in Rome, don't they?

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Remember the Libertarian pol who turned blue from drinking colloidal silver?

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I can sell you a special beanie or baseball cap lined with old lace that will protect you against electronically ingested arsenic.

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I can't say much that is nice about the song fragment How Could Anyone. To begin with it is only eight lines long and the structure is AA1 AA1 AA1 AA1 AA1 AA1 etc. in the unconscionably protracted video referenced above, which makes nary even a modulation to ease the boredom.

But I will say one thing in its favor (and for once this is not meant ironically): the writer, one Libby Roderick, meant well and intended it to inspire healing:


I'm sure she never imagined it would be exploited by a crew of sadistic maniacs for the purpose of torturing gay men.

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Baruch Hashem, it was a long nasty battle, but respect to Chaim Levin for fighting the good fight.

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Why, me, of course!

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I will know it is time to take these camouflaged tinfoil caps seriously when I see baby Wonkette wearing one. Fleece (sic) Navidad.

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Cock cage, Faraday cage, it's two cages in one!

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I thought we had already, the bestest ex-gay, Mormon sex conversion clinic summer camp ever. It is called Fire Island. Only, it is without any pretense of being what it is not.

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I wonder how long it tuch you to think of that.

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