True...thanks, Biel

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do these parents think that torturing their kids with bleach enemas, weird diets, loads of questionable vitamins and god knows what else is better than the spectrum disorder the kids have?

Yes, they do. Read any anti-vaccine forum and you will see these exact arguments made. To these people, autism is quite literally a fate worse than death, and they will readily choose death for themselves and their children rather than accept that doctors know what they're talking about.

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Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the article! :)

If you'd like to know more, all relevant links are provided within the article itself and in the brackets at the end of the article. "Links" are portions of red text that take you from one website to another. Hope that helps!

Thank you so much for your readership! :)

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Yes.... I followed that link - it goes to a page/article by Amber Robinson in which she refers to Mr. Evans touting aspects of Paleo as "preventive." Though I fail to see anything regarding your referenced ascertion that Mr. Evans "claims" that "can cure autism."

From what/where specifically are you making that precise inference? (and thus direct accusation). I'm really trying to zero in my research on this - thanks!

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"The key to an A+ grift is to make it universal."

I disagree insofar as it's the dead giveaway and chases all but the wingnut dingbats away. I do think that you need technobabble that can be researched on the Intertubes, but I don't know if there is a critical factor. Also all Paleo adherents should be fluoride fearing loons, as fluoride did not exist in sufficient concentrations of all that meat the people were eating!

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I'm so glad you liked it! It's always nice to hear from a fan.

Hope you tune in next week!

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Pharmaceutical companies do no give vaccines away. Those "public health services and non-profits" buy them.

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...and? Fact or fiction on the headline? Thanks!

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All but one were acquitted, just this past November.

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To clarify - it seems that NO ONE actually has claimed that the Paleo diet "can cure autism." Rather, the headline was fabricated (its untrue/a lie) for shock value only. (unless it can be verified).

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The secret to finding a good chiro is to find one whose web page or yellow page ad does not look like one for a personal injury a-hole lawyer.

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Thank you. I did not realize there were still so many "me cave man me eat meat" d*ckheads out there. I recommend Marks Daily Apple website (see, there is even fruit in the site title) by Mark Sisson. Mark's wile was raised a vegetarian. For many years she has done the healthy veganism you refer to plus seafood. Their 20 year old son has been a lacto-ovum vegetarian his whole life. Mark is fine with that. He also published The South Asian Health Solution by Ronesh Sinha, which is "paleo" for Indian lacto vegetarians. Another good resource on flexible paleo is Chris Kresser, who is a doctor of Chinese medicine.

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Alzheimer's - an admittedly small study at UCLA found that an approach pretty much like the Primal Blueprint version of Paleo REVERSED Alzheimer's in 9 out of 10 subjects. The tenth subject had very advanced Alzheimer's. This does not "prove" that Paleo is a cure but it is very encouraging. It involved simple things like getting enough sleep and exercise, and (gasp) eliminating refined carbs.

By the way, I contribute money to conventional Alzheimer's research.

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Yelp is your friend.

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LEGIT or LIBEL? "Paleo Diet Wackadoo Says He Can Cure Autism"

Was that said? By whom? Where's the source quotation?

(This is general query on behalf of all TRUE and HONEST human beings that prefer a world free of libelous conjecture, undue accusation, and fraudulent character assassination. I, and you, likely read things and wonder "did someone REALLY say that?" If they did, they there MUST be a source quote - otherwise the person asserting the quote is overtly lying/libeling.) I know nothing about Mr. Evans, I just find it hard to believe anyone would actually say that. IF he did, well...there you go, but did he? I get that this website is about stirring up shit - that's okay, but not making up shit (satire and slander differ greatly). What's the truth here?

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This may not be much comfort, but I had one cataract done early 2014. You do some antibiotic drops for a couple of days prior (DO THIS), then pretty good drugs, the brightest light you have ever experienced, a faint whiff of burning cornea, and the next morning your vision is much better. There is no pain, which surprised me.

Think carefully about how you want the replacement lenses focussed. Since I only had one done, it was easy for me to go for near-field -- I read a lot.

There is, of course, a small percentage of adverse results. (1) Be sure to follow the eyedrop instructions scrupulously. (2) The worst adverse result is losing sight in an eye. If you have cataracts bad enough to warrant surgery, you're well on the way to losing sight in that eye, anyhow. It's a pretty good bet.

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