Smile Time is one of my all time favorite episodes of any series. When I'm really down (friends in ICU after car accidents, father rushed to hospital, other sorts of evil shit), I watch that or Jack-Jack Attack!, for the serotonin/dopamine/whatever-the-hell-those-good-neurochemicals-are release.

That or drink heavily. Smile Time does less liver damage, I think. More experimentation is probably needed.

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Whilst others merely whisper the word "vermouth" into the glass. Or so I've been told. By a friend.

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if it's plugged in move to step two . . . power-down (aka hard reset) . . . failing that, remove the cover and look for the obvious . . . if still dead reseat any chips in sockets, memory and all cards and cables (check for dust on cable ends or in sockets and don't force anything).

if that don't work . . . call a pro.

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Born in Peekskill, NY in 1956.

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I for one welcome our new Creationist Alien Overlords.

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I dunno, I tend to think the reason I've been an "Apple Guy" for most of my life is because I "understand" Windows all too well and want no part of it in any venue where I get to actively make a choice in the matter.

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Okay now I know what my part time job will be when I retire in a few years because I'm ALMOST an olds.

I can cure all the punters via wacky spells and such cuz I used to be a frontline computer repair specialist...this fits right in with that training. Hard drive slow? Alakazaam! A "technical tap" later all fixed!

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Dim, dark, what's the diff?

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And this is why God-fearing Christianists are afeard of that rainbow flag.

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I did but it was still unplugged.

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Or Windows 8.

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Nothing cleans brighter.

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The video with the little astrophysicist who couldn't answered the question as to why the Creation Museum has a planetarium. The program on aliens features footage of how aliens are presented in popular culture. I bet that's a majority of the show. These people are paying their $7.95 just so they can watch a special effects movie on a big screen while lying down.

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You're supposed to say, "it won't even come on or anything, nothing", and then I am supposed to ask, "Is it plugged in?". lol

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After he builds his life-size replica of the Ark, some smart person is going to figure out how many animals will fit in there based on their sizes, and it's not going to be that much, at which point, the explanation that magic is involved will need to come forward.

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I once tried to build my own machine from pieces parts, and, when I was done, the thing wouldn't work. I was forced to take it to a real computer person. He took the case off, scanned the motherboard, then put is thumb on one of the cards and jammed it down. It worked perfectly after that.

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