It's due to the frequent use of "Trump" over the last two months. If "Hitler" were used as often, you'd be seeing ads for Hugo Boss Concentration Camp wear.
I now have a mental image of the Great Seal with the Eye of Providence replaced by that thing on Trump's head. I think it will take several beers to make it go away.
"Better it is, to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud..."(I'm not a Xtian except by injection)
Back in the day when Stephen Covey's Seven Habits was yoooge in the service as a leadership teaching tool, one of the quotes "seek first to understand than to be understood" was popular and a colleague misattributed it to Covey. My boss at time objected, stating that it was in the Bible and I told him it was actually thought to be a quote from St Francis. He acknowledged my correction, stating that "I'm Catholic, we don't read the Bible."
Just like I doubt that Sarah actually read any magazines or newspapers regularly except for People Magazine, I don't think Donald reads the Bible since he probably finds his own parables and mind farts superior to those of the little men in the funny hats who count money all day.
I was trained by a naturopathic doctor, through whom I'm certified in about a dozen holistic health disciplines. I sell NO products, make NO medical claims, and look down upon those who do as the scam artists they are. That said, a girlfriend sells Arbonne, and I wish her well.
I was amazed to see signs for "Curling Clubs" whilst in Canada. I guess everyone's got to have a hobby, but Curling? .
Made the peanut shells soggy.
And just WHAT is wrong with 70?
Um...why not a thing, Mr. Green. ;-)
It's due to the frequent use of "Trump" over the last two months. If "Hitler" were used as often, you'd be seeing ads for Hugo Boss Concentration Camp wear.
He hee! Doktor Zoom gone banhammered himself by mistake! :P
Growth for growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell.
Think about that when you read about some outfit called "Club for Growth".
Fare La Volpe is merely making good use of the things that we find. :p
So, what Trump is actually saying is....
I now have a mental image of the Great Seal with the Eye of Providence replaced by that thing on Trump's head. I think it will take several beers to make it go away.
Plus they have brown shirts.
as opposed to taunting the Happy Fun Tiger
"Better it is, to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud..."(I'm not a Xtian except by injection)
Back in the day when Stephen Covey's Seven Habits was yoooge in the service as a leadership teaching tool, one of the quotes "seek first to understand than to be understood" was popular and a colleague misattributed it to Covey. My boss at time objected, stating that it was in the Bible and I told him it was actually thought to be a quote from St Francis. He acknowledged my correction, stating that "I'm Catholic, we don't read the Bible."
Just like I doubt that Sarah actually read any magazines or newspapers regularly except for People Magazine, I don't think Donald reads the Bible since he probably finds his own parables and mind farts superior to those of the little men in the funny hats who count money all day.
Maybe it's a survival instinct, but I always forget Nickleback.
I was trained by a naturopathic doctor, through whom I'm certified in about a dozen holistic health disciplines. I sell NO products, make NO medical claims, and look down upon those who do as the scam artists they are. That said, a girlfriend sells Arbonne, and I wish her well.