I think they should get Marilyn Manson to do the next Sooper Bawl half time show, and specifically ask him to go full out trolling on these idjits. That would be hilarious . . . and probably a hell of a show to boot.
It's well known that rice, bean, and wheat DNA moleciules are extra-tough, whereas the DNA molecules of bogus health supplements are delicate things.
Unfortunately some idiots think herd immunity means their precious snowflake doesn't have to be vaccinated to be safe. I've been given that spiel before. Assholes.
I actually have a crazy relative in Georgia who regularly posts links to NowTheEndBegins on his facebook page. Of course I haven't blocked him! I don't even hide him from my newsfeed. It's a great source of amusement and entertainment. That, and when he goes into one of his ALL CAPS rages.
"Hoo boy; if you hate my generation now, just wait." I looked up indigo children, and it seems the idea was thought up by Nancy Ann Tappe (1931-2012). May I say you're astonishingly well-preserved for your age? (That is you in your avatar, right?)
Katy Perry's show was NOTHING compared to the devil's game of football on display. Evidence? It goes without saying, but here ya go: - A touchdown is 6 points. Three touchdowns is 666 points. - A field goal is 3 points, representing the Holy Trinity but is worth less than a 6 point touchdown for Satan. - The quarterback reaches between the legs of the center. - Linemen routinely have a wide stance. - The goal posts do not look like a cross - A play ends when one of the men wrestles another to the ground in an erotic embrace.
I think they should get Marilyn Manson to do the next Sooper Bawl half time show, and specifically ask him to go full out trolling on these idjits. That would be hilarious . . . and probably a hell of a show to boot.
Only sheeple form herds in the first place.
Putting the hump in hump day.
That's why it was "round up to", not just "round to".
Let's just say he owned a dozen large guns.
It's well known that rice, bean, and wheat DNA moleciules are extra-tough, whereas the DNA molecules of bogus health supplements are delicate things.
Lindsey on a shark costume? That will be worth waiting for.
The Illuminati are a false flash operation to protect the people who are REALLY in charge, the Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghh)j!!!
<i>non-comment marvelously finished, including Msgr&#039;s onamotapoetic last gasp and the Enter key</i>
That&#039;s Fl&oacute;tsm, DjΓΒΓ Β₯&scaron;m, and HΓ Βoukm to you!
Unfortunately some idiots think herd immunity means their precious snowflake doesn&#039;t have to be vaccinated to be safe. I&#039;ve been given that spiel before. Assholes.
Are the Indigo Children particularly moody?
I actually have a crazy relative in Georgia who regularly posts links to NowTheEndBegins on his facebook page. Of course I haven&#039;t blocked him! I don&#039;t even hide him from my newsfeed. It&#039;s a great source of amusement and entertainment. That, and when he goes into one of his ALL CAPS rages.
<i>Bruno Mars shouted &ldquo;Illuminati Now!&rdquo; during his performance.</i>
Illuminati conspiracy theories are about as top-secret as a You Tube cat video.
&quot;Hoo boy; if you hate my generation now, just wait.&quot; I looked up indigo children, and it seems the idea was thought up by Nancy Ann Tappe (1931-2012). May I say you&#039;re astonishingly well-preserved for your age? (That is you in your avatar, right?)
Katy Perry&#039;s show was NOTHING compared to the devil&#039;s game of football on display. Evidence? It goes without saying, but here ya go: - A touchdown is 6 points. Three touchdowns is 666 points. - A field goal is 3 points, representing the Holy Trinity but is worth less than a 6 point touchdown for Satan. - The quarterback reaches between the legs of the center. - Linemen routinely have a wide stance. - The goal posts do not look like a cross - A play ends when one of the men wrestles another to the ground in an erotic embrace.
I looked up &quot;Indigo Children&quot; I&#039;ve decided that humanity is so stupid that now I have the blues.