Pop-up bubble: In Britain a children's slide that runs from top to bottom in the shape of a spiral is called a "helter skelter."

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Keep poxing that chicken.

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Little-known fact: Braco staring at Fabio staring at Braco created the singularity in space-time that led to The Big Bang.

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I had a long car drive last week (Bakersfield and back) and listened to a few minutes of Michael The Silly Savage and Off-the-Mark Levin. Those two clowns are just going through the motions, selling anything they can. The Silly Savage, in particular, seemed to have an endless stock of Snake Oil to offer on the open market. One miracle cure after another...Including a miracle food from Texas. Who knew?

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Tex-Mex gave us tacos al barbacoa, so I'm willing to give it some study.

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None of this is covered by Obama-scare, except measles treatment even if you didn't get vaccinated (pre-existing condition). So thanks to the socialist pretender, I can't get stared to <strike>health</strike> death.

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Can he cure the St. Vitus Dance?

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"...in his original article that anti-GMO activists should maybe sorta hunt down and kill GMO scientists, allegedly. Naturally Mike wouldn’t be the one to do it, but it sure wouldn’t be surprising if someone did, hint hint."

Has Mike been listening to The Beatles White Album again?

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Love that "counterthink" website ... although I doubt that the owners appreciate the supreme irony of the name.

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We've known how to grow hair on our palms for a long time. Didn't your parents ever tell you?

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Is "punter" Australianese for "complete fucking idiot"?

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Extremism in defense of reality is no vice.

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Emojis are for people who don't know how to spell "fuck."

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Let me guess: then you wore it to your kid's variola recital, amirite?

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