My cats aren't even interested in waiting until tragedy befalls me. Their attitude is "five a.m. is feeding time; that can be stuff from a can, or it can be your face - all the same to us."
The leading cause of death for birds is loss of habitat. The second leading cause of death for birds and small mammals are feral/stray/and housecats left to roam.
Their "whole beings" yearning to be outside can be trained right out of them. People who let their cats roam, then get upset when they get hit by a car/et by coyotes/killed by dogs/killed by sickos/contract FIP,FIV, FeLeuk and they cry about poor kitty....well I don't feel sorry for them one bit. I feel sorry for the cat that they completely failed. Cats belong indoors. Period.
Total strawman! You talk about taurine but if you'd actually bothered to read the next question down in the FAQ where they mention not being able to give medical advice you would have seen this:
Don’t cats need a dietary source of Taurine?Yes- and the vegan cat foods we carry contain adequate amounts. Although Taurine naturally occurs only in animal tissue, synthetic Taurine has been produced on a large scale since about 1930. In fact, many meat-based pet foods utilize synthetic Taurine to meet nutritional requirements as well (most naturally-occurring Taurine is washed away during the rendering process)!
Vegan cat food is specially formulated to be easily digestible and contain all essential nutrients so linking to an article where a cat nearly died because the owners fed it whatever vegan food they felt like as evidence that cats need meat to survive is completely dishonest! If you feed your cat potatoes, rice milk and pasta it will surely die, if you feed it specially formulated vegan cat food it may do fine. Yes cats are obligate carnivores but this classification applies to the natural world where plants don't contain taurine. It may be that feeding a cat vegan cat food is very unhealthy for the animal, which is why the vet you cited doesn't recommend it but there is no hard evidence and all you have are strawmans and assertions.
(not enough moisture in the diet leads to UTIs and kidney disease, excess carbs lead to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.)That's why you keep your cat's water bowl full. Duh.
No, vegan food is not healthier for dogs than meat. And dogs enjoy lots of foods that will kill them - if you give a dog toxic levels of chocolate he will enjoy the hell out of it until he dies.
And that's why most vets recommend against dry foods. My vet advised to switch my cat to a strictly wet, low-carb diet, and she's been doing better than ever on it. I just get her meow mix- but not the Pate kind- it's very high in carbs.
Cats are carnivores. They cannot process anything else. That goes for dry cat food- they cannot process the grains within it. Most vets recommend against dry foods for this very reason.
So, no, just because people are ignorantly feeding their cats dry food doesn't mean it's smart to ignorantly feed your cat vegan food.
Yeah, many vets (including my own) now recommend against actual dry cat food for this very reason. Yes, it has taurine, but the grains that hold it together is not good for them and they are incapable of processing it.
No, just because it has taurine in it doesn't make it good for cats. It means you're feeding them something bad that has a good ingredient in it.
Most vets these days don't even recommend dry cat food for the same reason- they have taurine added to it, but the rest of it, such as the grains holding it together, is not good for them at all. Their bodies are incapable of processing a majority of it, leaving them malnourished, but gaining unnecessary weight from the carbs.
That's why I follow my vet's advice by sticking to a low carb, wet food-only diet
Even standard dry cat food is bad. Just having some taurine present doesn't make the food good for them. The majority of the food is still something they are incapable of processing. Most vets these days suggest ONLY wet food, and with low carbs. Even the grains holding the dry food together is NOT good for your cat.
Having a good ingredient in a bad food does not make the food good. You're just fattening them up while keeping them malnourished. Yay heart disease and diabetes.
My cats aren't even interested in waiting until tragedy befalls me. Their attitude is "five a.m. is feeding time; that can be stuff from a can, or it can be your face - all the same to us."
The leading cause of death for birds is loss of habitat. The second leading cause of death for birds and small mammals are feral/stray/and housecats left to roam.
Their "whole beings" yearning to be outside can be trained right out of them. People who let their cats roam, then get upset when they get hit by a car/et by coyotes/killed by dogs/killed by sickos/contract FIP,FIV, FeLeuk and they cry about poor kitty....well I don't feel sorry for them one bit. I feel sorry for the cat that they completely failed. Cats belong indoors. Period.
Total strawman! You talk about taurine but if you'd actually bothered to read the next question down in the FAQ where they mention not being able to give medical advice you would have seen this:
Don’t cats need a dietary source of Taurine?Yes- and the vegan cat foods we carry contain adequate amounts. Although Taurine naturally occurs only in animal tissue, synthetic Taurine has been produced on a large scale since about 1930. In fact, many meat-based pet foods utilize synthetic Taurine to meet nutritional requirements as well (most naturally-occurring Taurine is washed away during the rendering process)!
Vegan cat food is specially formulated to be easily digestible and contain all essential nutrients so linking to an article where a cat nearly died because the owners fed it whatever vegan food they felt like as evidence that cats need meat to survive is completely dishonest! If you feed your cat potatoes, rice milk and pasta it will surely die, if you feed it specially formulated vegan cat food it may do fine. Yes cats are obligate carnivores but this classification applies to the natural world where plants don't contain taurine. It may be that feeding a cat vegan cat food is very unhealthy for the animal, which is why the vet you cited doesn't recommend it but there is no hard evidence and all you have are strawmans and assertions.
(not enough moisture in the diet leads to UTIs and kidney disease, excess carbs lead to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.)That's why you keep your cat's water bowl full. Duh.
So make your own cat food. Just put meat in it.
No, vegan food is not healthier for dogs than meat. And dogs enjoy lots of foods that will kill them - if you give a dog toxic levels of chocolate he will enjoy the hell out of it until he dies.
God no. Dogs are carnivores, plain and simple.
And that's why most vets recommend against dry foods. My vet advised to switch my cat to a strictly wet, low-carb diet, and she's been doing better than ever on it. I just get her meow mix- but not the Pate kind- it's very high in carbs.
Grains and carbs are awful for cats.
Cats are carnivores. They cannot process anything else. That goes for dry cat food- they cannot process the grains within it. Most vets recommend against dry foods for this very reason.
So, no, just because people are ignorantly feeding their cats dry food doesn't mean it's smart to ignorantly feed your cat vegan food.
Yeah, many vets (including my own) now recommend against actual dry cat food for this very reason. Yes, it has taurine, but the grains that hold it together is not good for them and they are incapable of processing it.
No, just because it has taurine in it doesn't make it good for cats. It means you're feeding them something bad that has a good ingredient in it.
Most vets these days don't even recommend dry cat food for the same reason- they have taurine added to it, but the rest of it, such as the grains holding it together, is not good for them at all. Their bodies are incapable of processing a majority of it, leaving them malnourished, but gaining unnecessary weight from the carbs.
That's why I follow my vet's advice by sticking to a low carb, wet food-only diet
It's. Still. Bad. For. Cats.
Even standard dry cat food is bad. Just having some taurine present doesn't make the food good for them. The majority of the food is still something they are incapable of processing. Most vets these days suggest ONLY wet food, and with low carbs. Even the grains holding the dry food together is NOT good for your cat.
Having a good ingredient in a bad food does not make the food good. You're just fattening them up while keeping them malnourished. Yay heart disease and diabetes.
Yes. Strict obligate carnivores
You know nothing about what a feline needs to thrive. Just stop
Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to. It applies in both court rooms and comment boards...