And of course we know from Sir Terry that every woman always has half an onion.

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Thinking inside the box?

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LOL Oh yes... "dull and boring" for calling you out so correctly.

Translation: Kelly Hamilton has no real response to make, having been comprehensively exposed as an asshole.

Buhbye, Kelly Hamilton. Next time you want to patronize someone and pull bullshit passive-aggressive garbage like this, don't. You don't have the chops.

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At the mommy blog, one simple trickDrives the readers to visit and click:Just provide the good folksAn assortment of jokesWith the time-tested topic: the dick.

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Then stop shouting at your damn cats!

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You're gonna have that smell for a while, as the toxins leave your body. Eventually, you won't smell it anymore.

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Sadly, they don't seem to listen to reason. They are, however, amenable to bribes, but I don't want the vet yelling at me for having extra-fluffy cats.

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Izzat why Mrs. Olsen always had that huge grin on her face?

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Sort of like when you walk into a person's house and that smell of "cat box" hits you and nearly knocks you over, but the resident is cheerfully oblivious? If so, I guess that's OK, I don't need any friends anyway.

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I see you've been to my house.

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I only list my credentials to let you know that as a person who reads this forum, I doesn't need lecturing and concern trolling about "learning new things" as continuing education is a part of the requirement to maintain my credentials. To answer your question meant to demean the stereotype physician that some alternative medicine practitioners perceive, I don't smoke and never have and I exercise every day. What standards do you use to evaluate the board certified physicians on their education in nutrition? Least educated among whom? What or who is the gold standard of the nutritionally educated? The NIH is trying to work with alternative medicine providers to assess the efficacy of their techniques so they don't discount what we may not understand as of yet.

On the other hand, establishing a career in writing is quite an accomplishment! Good luck with that!

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my theory is that certain bacterial colonies or biofilms have a certain odor so that might explain why Georgetown Hosp might not smell like Washington Hospital Center. The pineapple deodorizer (always pineapple, why?) adds a certain garnish. No matter how pretty they make a hospital, feet and ass beats lemon and pineapple every time*

*H/T Dave Attel

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Paleoanthropologists have studied exhaustively thousands of hominid and prehominid fossils, including various species of Homo (Faber, Erectus, Neanderthalensis, early Sapiens, modern Sapiens, etc.). Many age determinations are on record, for many species of hominids and prehominids. I do not recall ever reading anywhere that any of those human ancestors or early humans ever lived beyond 40 or 50. I don't know exactly how many declarations in the Bible concerning scientific reality are worthless, but given that a huge number have been completely invalidated by modern science, It's a safe bet that the Bible (especially the OT) is not to be considered a reliable source of scientific information.

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You sound okay to me, and in fact quite admirable. I suggested to someone else that he should learn new things, but he was only concerned about making snide comments. Your original comment was accurate and polite, for which I thank you. I established my writing career long ago as a playwright but now I am more interested in other things than the theater. Thank you for your good wishes, and in return I offer the same to you.

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I think the advice to eat onions is in the Old Testament, mixed in with a lot of advice on health and cleanliness, some of which has turned out to be relatively well founded. No, I wouldn't look to the Bible for scientific validation of anything, but it's an interesting document that can make for fascinating reading as literature. Thank you for your informed input.

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The last time I was in a club, glo-sticks weren't a thing yet.

Oh who am I kidding, I have never been to a club. Lots of bars, though. But people didn't do crazy things in them. They just drank, and once in a awhile, danced.

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