One good thing that the internet has done for us is to expose just how freaking stupid people can actually be. Like the recent poll where 50% of college students do not want to eat food with DNA in it.

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I have one of the elite ones, it is Titanium plated to even resist Zombie Moon Rays.

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Well, that certainly explains something that I'd rather not talk about.

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Would you consider donating it:)

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It's right next to the big green packages of Fale.

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IEI-EMF. Laura is simply bat-sjot crazy and suffering form multiple occurences of ding-battery with festoons of stupid.

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There's a kickstarter tin-foil hat that the school board ought to just purchase for Lawson's “electromagnetic hypersensitivity."

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Given that it's usually asymptomatic, if there's three confirmed there's likely more than just those 3.

That being said, it would be nice if the numbers that were originally reported were accurate, but that's our media for you.

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Not quite. The Music Man knew nothing about music.

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Does taht mean I'm semi-famous?

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Chlamydia Numbers, worst porn name evah!

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but he did get to know a librarian, IYKWIM


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Folgers libul!!11!

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Hell, I panic when the wifi goes down in my classroom for 5 minutes.

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Actually, you're not far off. When you get up at altitude and the cabin is pressurized for 8K feet, the one quart of gas that is in your body expands and you end up passing much of it. Huff well.

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