And here to we get to what I think is the most disgusting think about anti-vaxxers (other than the idea they would throw public health under a bus for no damn reason): the actually think autism is worse than fucking polio. They would rather risk their kid getting polio than a never-shown-to-exist chance of autism? Jesus Christ.
Whilst Alistair Cookie is more or less civilized, it cannot possibly excuse his gobbly gluttony.Elmo ??!!/1 How pathetic! You can't mention Grover and Elmo in the same breath. I just did but that don't count because Shut Up.
Patent litigation: most GMO seeds are protected by patent; in order to protect the property, evil corps like Monsanto are more or less forced by the system to sue farmers whose property neighbors a customer's, if those farmers fail to aggressively weed out seed that scatters. They'd prolly rather go after big offenders, but lacking those, they go after little offenders to make a point (destruction of the farm and livelihood of a non-customer is no sin, right?).
Monoculture: we've known that this is dangerous forever. There'll be a soy failure some time, probably in my lifetime, because it's a massively monocultured commercial crop. But Monsanto won't suffer by it. Other crops have similarly dangerous levels of regional monoculture (leaving out the relatively healthy organic/sustainable/heritage farming crowd, who don't grow enough to replace a potato-blight like outbreak for one of the monoculture crops).
That's what I'm saying about the problem with a "spectrum." My brother lives with our folks because, while he's normal enough for an engineer, he's hopeless with money and tends to drift in and out of contract jobs. Friends he's got, life skills not so much. He also has another health complication (unrelated) which makes everything more fun.
I'm just a stickler for classification (three guesses why I'm doing Info Sci?) and want to stay well upwind from the "autism is a disease that needs to be wiped out" crowd. Treated, yes, absolutely, and given the consideration and support that each individual case deserves and requires. "Cured" always seems to mean "identified and aborted in utero," though.
Well, since so little is known about autism's organic causes (if there even are any), I don't see much possibility of that happening anytime soon. But if I could "wipe out" autism in any remotely humane way, I would.
I like Elmo's sweet little laugh and how he asks a baby a question and I do like Grover's goofiness and illiteracy (he asked Kermit what his "no" sign read and every time Kermit said "no" Grover would plead "please Froggy?"
I started having brutal panic attacks my junior year of high school, and vividly remember where I was when my father literally told me to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" (in the car, at a stoplight, on the road that runs by the mall). He also thought that fresh air and hiking would work. Calvinism, fuck yeah.
You should probably try some essential oils because nothing treats heart problems like a little lavender dabbed behind your ears. Also too, Tea tree oil cures cancer and eucalyptus oil works wonders on a broken leg.
no link between catechism and GMOs?
And here to we get to what I think is the most disgusting think about anti-vaxxers (other than the idea they would throw public health under a bus for no damn reason): the actually think autism is worse than fucking polio. They would rather risk their kid getting polio than a never-shown-to-exist chance of autism? Jesus Christ.
Whilst Alistair Cookie is more or less civilized, it cannot possibly excuse his gobbly gluttony.Elmo ??!!/1 How pathetic! You can't mention Grover and Elmo in the same breath. I just did but that don't count because Shut Up.
Lie also, too
Thank you! I have friends who were full-grown in the 50s, had relatives with autism, and had been raised in the country, so never got vaccines.
Also patent litigation and monoculture.
Patent litigation: most GMO seeds are protected by patent; in order to protect the property, evil corps like Monsanto are more or less forced by the system to sue farmers whose property neighbors a customer's, if those farmers fail to aggressively weed out seed that scatters. They'd prolly rather go after big offenders, but lacking those, they go after little offenders to make a point (destruction of the farm and livelihood of a non-customer is no sin, right?).
Monoculture: we've known that this is dangerous forever. There'll be a soy failure some time, probably in my lifetime, because it's a massively monocultured commercial crop. But Monsanto won't suffer by it. Other crops have similarly dangerous levels of regional monoculture (leaving out the relatively healthy organic/sustainable/heritage farming crowd, who don't grow enough to replace a potato-blight like outbreak for one of the monoculture crops).
Anti-Sesameites are the worst!
I am A Old. I have never seen Sesame Street. I was already too old for that when it first arrived on the scene.
Is it anything like The Muppet Show without that large-breasted pigs?
That's what I'm saying about the problem with a "spectrum." My brother lives with our folks because, while he's normal enough for an engineer, he's hopeless with money and tends to drift in and out of contract jobs. Friends he's got, life skills not so much. He also has another health complication (unrelated) which makes everything more fun.
I'm just a stickler for classification (three guesses why I'm doing Info Sci?) and want to stay well upwind from the "autism is a disease that needs to be wiped out" crowd. Treated, yes, absolutely, and given the consideration and support that each individual case deserves and requires. "Cured" always seems to mean "identified and aborted in utero," though.
Well, since so little is known about autism's organic causes (if there even are any), I don't see much possibility of that happening anytime soon. But if I could "wipe out" autism in any remotely humane way, I would.
... especially the lies we like.
I like Elmo's sweet little laugh and how he asks a baby a question and I do like Grover's goofiness and illiteracy (he asked Kermit what his "no" sign read and every time Kermit said "no" Grover would plead "please Froggy?"
I started having brutal panic attacks my junior year of high school, and vividly remember where I was when my father literally told me to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" (in the car, at a stoplight, on the road that runs by the mall). He also thought that fresh air and hiking would work. Calvinism, fuck yeah.
You should probably try some essential oils because nothing treats heart problems like a little lavender dabbed behind your ears. Also too, Tea tree oil cures cancer and eucalyptus oil works wonders on a broken leg.
"I choose to view anti-vaxxers as victims of their own fear." Which is fine if they were the only victims.