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You drop by Wonkette to mock those crazier than you.😇 I would never dare claim I was normal.

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Raw red meat. Just before the E. Coli kills you.

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Desperation and shame ("it cannot be our genetics") are powerful motivators.

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Harsh truth stings like an alcohol swab. But it cleans the wound.

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+ ten million upvotes for Don Martin references.

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More to come. This election attracts stupid that can only be handled by a pro like he was.

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I think the "nature/wilderness/survival " connection blurs the line with some of these people. My otherwise-hippy roommate thinks that "preppers", for example, are entirely logical, since *eventually* there'll be a natural disaster in which that 10-year supply of canned beans comes in handy.

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Not true. The tenure decision at most Universities is the transition from Assistant to Associate professor, which generally happens after one has been an Assistant for about 7 years (though the clock actually starts a about 3 1/2 years if one is a scientist and one's institution insists that one must have at last one federal research grant before they will consider giving tenure). It's now a LOT harder to get tenure at most Universities than it is to make Full Professor. It used to be the opposite, at least in the sciences, where one not only had to prove that one could walk on water, but that the deity consults with one on a regular basis, to be granted Full professorship.

Now tenure is nearly impossible to get. Why should Universities have to care about petty things like continuity and academic freedom when there's a line of Ph.D.s around the block who are willing to work by the credit hour, have minimal (i.e. student level or no) benefits and can be hired and fired at will? Adjuncts are the means by which the Universities have eviscerated the traditional tenure system without having to suffer the bad publicity that formally abolishing it would cause.

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The desire to sheer the flock drove a lot of the Clinton conspiracy madness of the 90's as well. There was money to be made off of gullible people. Same principle as televangelism, traveling gospel shows, and that old favorite, snake oil sales.

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"The Natural Alternative to Staying Alive" - by Adam Trent

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Let's ask Severus Snape, shall we?

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In a closed universe, the far left meets up with the far right, far out of sight, to share conspiracy theories on how the government is out to get them. That's how you get hippie-dippie ammosexuals.

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Oh, it's even MORE blatant than that! The initials are FAU, the first three letters of the French (!1!!) word FAUX, meaning FALSE. It's obvious that this "Florida Atlantic University" cannot be real - a fact cleverly hidden in its very initials, but WE are far too smart to be fooled.

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24 more weeks....

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Having a gun proves you're not gay! Open-carry it to make sure everybody knows!!! PLEASE LOOK AT MY GUNNNN!!!!!1! *sob*

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