It was like Claudius becoming Emperor of Rome. Nice guy, but the rot had already set in

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Yeah. It's hard to judge what's an insane level of spread or rates of disability and death when your main references are news headlines and Contagion type movies.

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Happened to me!!!

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I could have told you they were fucking delusional years ago.

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We need a real third party to diffuse tensions

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The census taker was at my neighbor's apartment! Older white guy (the census taker). See, older white guys are still useful!

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They GOP pols are absolutely not delusional. They know exactly how awful things are, but they will say and do anything to hold on to power.

The delusion belongs to the conservative voters, who are turkeys demanding a Double Donnie Thanksgiving. Lookie at all the boats and blondes and bikers and booze, so things must be good!

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I think we have to mentally prepare for a few months of chaos.

There will be a lot of anxiety building up long after November 3, because of the slow process of mail-in ballot counting. They are not prepared for this election turn-out, and it will takes far longer to ratify than we imagine. Because of the rising anxiety over this delay, we will see uncertainty turn to authoritarian impulses by the weak-minded. There will be covid-levels of misinformation: Twitter and FakeBook are not prepared.

If it takes a dark turn, and it certainly can with any signs of Trump losing while he technically still holds office, we will see if the DHS/DoJ has kept up with all the fringe-right sedition or not. If there are larger than expected outbreaks of violence, it will happen under the GOP watch until Jan 21. That will be the inflection point.

How these uprisings on the right get handled, or not handled as the case may be, will determine how far these armed militias will get. These bunkerboys won't make it in the long run, but they are now openly hoping to get their gun fever-dream fifteen minutes. If pushback comes fast and hard, they will stand down. My instinct tells me as long as these bunkerfucks don't get lionized by the right, things will get quashed in the way they should have back in Charlotte.

We will all be exhausted, but we must pursue any seditious enablers of right-wing violence or we will all be back here again. Top of the list: Fox News.

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To process the sheer incompetency of Teflon Trump, one only has to look at how even griftweasel Ford can shuckster empathy and empty platitudes over the suffering of the rubes. Ford is a side of beef with a happy face button on it, but he can manage it.

Donnybrook is fully incapable of even the minimum effort of acting like he cares."It is what it is." Like, wow, okay guy.

QAdonny reminds me of a man acting like the thousand stinging flies are not bothering him, but wait for it: he will lose it, and lose it bigly. I bet they regularly lock him in the bunker below and let him rage. His Twitter rants don't see the light of day, but he's not aware of that. Afterwards, they retrieve him, passed out and urine soaked, and they give him the Hitler special vitamin injection and a warm bag of McDonalds.

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Nope, not tourists. Maybe claim refugee status?

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Maybe olllllld Dems who never realized that Strom Tihurmond flipped?

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What's the percentage?

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*sigh* yeah, I see that. I'm married to a molecular virologist, so I've had a basically minute-by-minute account of this thing, and I forget that others haven't.

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I like my plan to vote. As long as Oregon gets my ballot to me no later than election day, I'm good. I pick it up at my PO Box. I fill it out. I seal it up in its little envelope, put it in the big envelope, seal that, sign the outside, and THIS time, I will immediately walk it to the ballot drop box a few blocks away. I like this plan. Thank you Oregon, for making it possible for voting to be this simple.

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