Screw guns. Obviously, the destruction caused by people loving each other is the thing we should <i>really</i> be concerned about.

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Supreme Court is out and summer is here! Look for Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsberg in their thongs at a beach near you!

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Sister Ruth has earned the right to wear whatever the hell she feels like wearing, in my book. You go, girl! OTOH, the sight of Scalia in thong might be even more effective than prayer at killing homosexxican thoughts in the youth.

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I'm going with they prefer to keep their vilest rulings separate but equal. Monday is designated for slut shaming rulings. A little Plessy nostalgic nod to rulings they'd like to bring back.

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Scalia in a thong would likely result in a spike in ass waxing.

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So are maggots. So leeches and maggots, OK, ex-gay, no.

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Plus an Anus Burger app, a huge platter of steamed and salted rat dicks. Hot Dog's with Mac 'n Cheese for dessert. Since it's dessert, it'll be Velveeta.

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