Deep in the heart of darkest Uh-meric-uhHome of the brave hahahaYou already paid for thisListen to my heart beat!

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Mmm, lard. Pure chewing satisfaction!

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Somebody. SOMEBODY hasn't read their Constitution lately....

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Watchagonnado when the Revolutionary Army takes over the airports?

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There was this kid in my neighborhood who used to throw rocks at my head every day after kindergarten. He made my life miserable. As we got older, he always wanted to play chase and made sure he was caught and then would beg me (and the other neighborhood girls) to "spank" him on his naked butt with an ocotillo branch (we grew up in Arizona so ocotillo was plentiful, especially on the side of my house). No one ever did it so he did it to himself, and that grossed us all out. Anyway, he's now on the police force in Maricopa County. Last I checked, in a high capacity.

When I was 11 through 14 and my father used to beat the holy shit out of my mom and I used to call the cops a lot. They'd stand in the yard and yell at me.

"How's everything?"

"My dad has a gun pointed at my mom!"

"Can you have an adult tell us that?""Uh, both adults in my home are in a struggle of life or death so no."

"We have to wait here then."Very helpful. But then the (main?) cop (Officer O'Donnell, I'll never forget) would come to my elementary school, junior high and high school and call me out of class to discuss the problem. How is this helping, when it kept happening for five years? It only made me a pariah.

I moved to San Francisco when I was 22 and I lived at 50 Golden Gate (not a great neighborhood). My downstairs neighbor blared music every morning at 6am and I would go down and knock on his door and tell him to please be quiet. Please, at least

until 8am. After a month of my complaining to him personally, I had cops at my door one night at 10pm saying there was a domestic violence call against me. So ironic. I let the cops in and showed them I was watching the Honeymooners on TV. Not even loud. They didn't believe this was what the call was about and told me, "This is obviously some sort of drug deal gone wrong but you need not bring us into it." I was a gay goth girl (so not Laura Ingalls) but wth? I had a full-time job and was not doing any drugs and also, too, *I* didn't call you assholes. I know better than to think cops help.

If I may slide one more "Wtf are cops for?" anecdote in here: When I saved up all my pennies and bought a condo in Diamond Heights in San Francisco in 2002, I had cops at my door every fucking day. Because the previous owner had been some sort of felon? I have no idea. That was extremely annoying. I've never experienced a helpful policeman.

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Does that argument extend to someone being beaten by multiple billy clubs twitching and writhing in pain and the cops arguing that "he/she/they wouldn't stop moving" when they continue to beat the person on the ground? So for eternity, "just take it" is your argument?

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Apparently you didn't read the whole post...

Let me help you finish it.

Hell it might happen even if you do comply first but jesus don't give them an excuse.

If you try to fight them you're most definitely getting the shit beat of you, and they will make a narrative that you are aggressor. It's a fight you will lose.

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Even when a Dem is out of office. Or has run for President but not made it to the Oval Office. I decline to express that as "but hasn't been elected." Hillary Clinton was elected. A combination of Russian meddling and Republican voter suppression, right on American soil by Americans, negated the legitimate results. Yes, there was a "sweeping, systematic effort" by Russia, all right, but without the voter suppression, I doubt the Russian meddling would have swung the results far enough. The Electoral College probably wouldn't have either.I plain don't believe it's coincidence that the 2016 election was the first presidential campaign to take place after the 2013 Supreme Court decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act. So much for the suggestion (used as justification for yanking Section IV) that the states which had been required to check any amendments to their voting regulations with the Federal government, were no longer the racially discriminatory garbage dumps they had been.They evidently still are.

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sure you exist you just end up on the pole and that's acceptable /s

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My NRA "friends" cite this case as a reason to have a gun. "They don't have to protect you"

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Not financially

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Ich bin ein Hong Konger.

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“Back and to the left”....”back and to the left”

-Bill Hicks

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"Personal virtue and self-restraint?"Those are great things all right. And the President whose truckling unprincipled lackey Barr is just personifies them. Embodies them, I might say. Pity it's such a repulsive body.

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Too bad for Barr, more and more of us can see the truth behind their desire for mindless obedience.


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I wanna see him marched out of DOJ in handcuffs

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