I wrote you a thing about Supermarionation today, which is your hed gif explainer and source info also too:


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So much love for these. When the BBC re-showed Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet in the 90s I was hooked.

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I'm late to this party, but here's Dudley Moore and Peter Cook in SUPERTHUNDERSTINGCAR!


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Fireball XL5 ?


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I had a crush on Venus. I was 5.

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So dang cool. I love the handmade look of it all - same with Harryhausen and Pal.

I just think the entire thing from the puppets, to the sets and props is just beautiful.

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I was recently listening to some Barry Gray compositions who is the composer for many of the Supermarionation shows. Good stuff.


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When the Comedy Channel was a fresh new thing, as was cable TV in the City-and-County of Denver, I would watch "The Higgins Boys and Gruber" and they showed episodes of Supercar. That was my first exposure to Supermarionation. There are 2 MST3Ks from the very beginning on KTMA that are films made of fixing up a bunch of episodes of the shows.

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Nope, those are episodes of Stingray, an entirely different show.

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Exactly. the Supercar episodes were on The Higgins Boys and Gruber.

MST3K did "Invaders From the Deep" which was Stingray, and "Revenge of the Mysterions From Mars" which was Captain Scarlet.

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My coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

But sooner or later it will do it's caffeinated magic. Then I'll be able to finally establish the metaphorical link between these marionettes and PAB / TFG.

(Something, something Judge Merchan's court room doors cutting the strings that go all the way to Moscow?)

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Supercar! was my favorite.

Also, if you like this sort of stuff you pretty much have to watch the 1969 movie "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun." It is literally Supermarionation with live actors and a much bigger budget for effects.

Things blow up real good!

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I have it on DVD! The Doppelganger!

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It's been a long time, but I remember the acting being fairly wooden.

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I'll never forget how the Dr. Venus and Pinocchio sex scandal was covered by the tabloids.

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Headline : "He lied, and she loved it!"

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Oh, that's freaking brilliant! Nice one, Me.

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The toys inspired by Supermarionation productions... Vivid memories

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I love Supermarionation. As a small thing, my first great love was Virgil out of Thunderbirds and one of my favourite ever TV episodes of anything was 'High Alert at Marineville' (or something similar) where Troy Tempest was woken up at midnight and....they'd painted stubble on the puppet. A beautiful thing.

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Virgil was hot!

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He was the original Boy Racer!

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He was!

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Team America (fuck yeah!) was spoofing this? I didn’t know!

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My brothers were huge Thunderbirds fans, and I saw the resemblance immediately in Team America. I had not known until now that the Thunderbirds were part of a whole thing.

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Nor did I. We come to Wonkette to learn things.

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Puppets that went to night clubs, where they'd smoke and drink!

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Can't dance, though. Too hard to make them walk.

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The Team America fight scene was awesome!

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then throw up in the street for 5 minutes straight-- :)

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It's the secret: puppets people can really identify with...

"Marionettes sipping martinis and smoking Sobranies! My people!"

So what if I was twelve...

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The sex scene was 😳🤔🔥

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I liked the fight scenes.

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The sex scene was hysterical, but I mean supermarionation! Drinking cocktails at a fancy joint, smoking cigarettes. It was so brilliant!

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As I understand it, the sex scene as originally shot was going to get the movie an X rating (or NC-17 or whatever), so they had to change it. As far as I'm concerned the censors scored a big win here for the moviegoing public because the sex scene is indeed hilarious.

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Yeah, they were.

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The first vinyl album I ever owned was children's TV themes. Stingray, Thunderbirds, Dr Who, Captain Scarlet.

All certified bangers.


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I wish I were a spaceman / The fastest guy alive. / I'd fly around the universe / In Fireball XL-5.....

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That reminds me of "Revenge of the Mystereons from Mars" on MST3K.

I grew up on the marionette staring kid shows from Rankin-Bass. I just love those puppets!

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Again - all of that stuff was so beautiful visually. It still holds up today.

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I will never get tired of watching it.

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It's all friggin' Captain Black's fault. Trigger-happy chickenshit.

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Captain Scarlet!

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I always thought that a Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle would look good in the driveway, if I had a driveway...

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Mr A's first pre-pubescent crush was Destiny Angel!

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Ah, sweet nostalgia.

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I do believe "ramps" are basically wild garlic. I learned this from the film "Matewan."

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I have found oriental groceries to be a good place to get offbeat veggies, such as ramps.

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I understand and appreciate pretty much all vegetables. Except okra; okra is Satan’s own genitals no matter how you cook it.

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Ramps which are wild garlic are FUCKING AMAZING. Grow all over the place in Cornwall when I lived there, and are the best thing to make pesto EVER.

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Hey Evan, ramps are European members of the onion & lily family. You stew the greens. Mace is the outer layer of a whole nutmeg. You don't use much, just grate some off. Why yes, I am a chef.

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Oh I know what they ARE now. I'm talking about where in the hell to find them. It turns out they also grow wild in Korea, so I'm going to check the Asian groceries around here too before I go ordering from the internet.

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they grow wild all over West Virginia

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Damn, I guess I have no idea what ramps are.

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Ramps are an impediment to the former guy's locomotion.

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There's no doubt about that one

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heretoforeafter, I will officially be referring to FuckFace as "Mr. Sleepypoots". It makes me laugh, 4-yr-old delinquent that I am...

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PAB can't handle ramps.

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Funny about the Clear at SFO. I have TSA precheck and the last trip with my husband who does not, he got through security faster. EVERYONE has some security clearance here it seems.

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I have gotten through faster with just CLEAR in the past. Like MUCH faster.

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That’s because they escort the few Clear passengers through the line and they always bypass the TSA precheck. The latter being 1/2 the cost so at least your get you money’s worth.

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Ramps are a seasonal wild food, that are sometimes also called "wild garlic" or "swamp onion." They are from the Allium family, related to onions, and grow in boggy areas in early Spring. They can't really be cultivated, and have to be gathered, but you might find some at your local farmers market in season.

In the South, they are often cooked in bacon grease with eggs, but they can also be pickled, or used in soups or pesto. This year, I'm going to try making fried rice with them.

The name Chicago is derived from a Myaamia (Miami-Illinois) word for ramps, as the city was built on a swampy area where they were known to grow.

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"“Meadow” has some big armpit hair."

So throw "Meadow" under the bus?????

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"Because this batshit soup is made with ramps and white asparagus and whole mace spice"

I read too fast and interpreted the last bit as "whole space mice." Maybe my brain was influenced by Martini's gif?

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There are Space Mice up on the ISS right now, but I don't think they eat them....?

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*prepares to shout into void*

Courts! Stop giving Trump breaks. Just Stop..

MSM! Mike Johnson is not a good politician. Hakeem Jeffries is keeping his party in line and making smart decisions. Stop giving Johnson all the credit.

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And if Jeffries needs any help, Nancy Pelosi is sitting right over there. Also Johnson can ask Newt Gingrich for help. Newt was the last competent GOP speaker.

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Misunderstood veggies:

We briefly tried a CSA during lockdown and had to deal with all sorts of misunderstood vegetables. I think the Jerusalem Artichokes presented the biggest challenge. We got kind of fond of weird big radishes, especially watermelon radish (cross section looks very much like a watermelong with a red core and a thin red rind).

But we still didn't renew the CSA.

(Does everybody know what a CSA is or is that local to our region? I forget what it stands for, but for a really cheap price you're agreeing to take a box of whatever the farmer wants to give you every week or two. So it tends to be weird stuff that they might have trouble selling at market.)

On that list, we love rutabagas and we've been doing a lot of eggplant lately. I forget when we started doing this, sometime in the last couple of years, but we slice it and bake with olive oil, and then use the slices in all kinds of things including sandwiches or just to munch on.

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Community Supported Agriculture. You pay up front and then N times a month you get what you get and you don't throw a fit (to paraphrase my son's preschool teacher). If you hate veggies that go bad, try rutabaga. It lasts forever in the fridge.

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Best Tabs GIF ever!

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Anniversaries! It's been four years today since Two Scoops had the cure for COVID: injection with cleaning fluid!

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