Testing to see if Disqus is still acting buggy . . .

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. . . I guess I'm not really "banned".

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That and her ability to move through time effortlessly.

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My first reaction as well.

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Hey I held up the bank but there was no cash in the vault so it's cool yeah?

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It is a foregone conclusion that Ghoulani will not last long. Next up will be that Manhattan moran called Jodete Idiota.

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¡Ha ha, good one!

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So Rudy is saying' "this is what were gonna do if we don't like Mr. Mueller's report on us"! Let it rock! https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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It's not a crime to have thoughts? And just how would Hannity know?

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Rudy alike Donny suffer from verbal diarrhoea ….. Recent events have highlighted the disastrous power this man Donny possesses. Donny doesn't have a plan B.

When he acts, he doesn't think about consequences, which may only make themselves felt four or eight years from now. He doesn't care how his actions and his “ verbal “ attacks affect anybody .

He flaunts his power, because he can — always with the goal of drawing as much attention to himself as possible.

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Either that, or they're all just incredibly stupid people who have no idea what they're doing.

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But didn't Dump hire Ghouliani to /talk/? Now he's paying him to shut up?

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it's worth noting that Clinton whipped the asses of both Giuliani and Pirro so badly they dropped out of the senate race against her for fear of the embarrassment it would cause them both personally and professionally.

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rudy is full of shit...there is no way that mueller or anyone connected with his office told either giuliani or sekulow that they cant or wont indict trump...with all that we know about the conduct and workings of the mueller team so far, there is absolutely no possiblity that happened...none...zero

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Trump's just a cagey B-list celebrity.

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I think it will last into 2019, as long as Trump refuses to sit down for a gentlemen's discussion with Mr. Mueller. He's dragging this out as he's running shiteless. Mueller will get tired of Trump's mouth and a (more than) reasonable time has passed, so he'll Subpoena Trump. Trump will, of course, whine some more and try to drag it through "his" Courts to delay. But he can be Subpoena'd and must appear. When he does, he lies and is Indicted. Then he'll whine some more. He's going to Prison with his crooked family.

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