You'll always be an Enemy of Democracy to me.

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If you want to keep people off your lawn, what you want is <i>incontinent</i> border collies.

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That WaPo article earned a huge double-take when it referred to "Jon Stewart's faux news program."

And Wonkette is now #2 on the list! Can you imagine what those Soutwestern Eastern North Carolina researchers would conclude if they studied the Wonketeers?

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I do like Bing maps though.

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or he has a time turner. which would be pretty cool.

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clearly, first world problems.

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Certainly not cats.

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This illustrates perfectly why we should do away with all kinds of campaigns and voting. It's inefficient. Let's just run the question through Google and Boom! Referendum!

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And Jon Stewart.

Not to mention Jon Stewart.

Stewart, Jon.

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And where is Acorn on the list? What could be more anti-democracy than registering poor people to vote?

Okay, maybe voter suppression. But Alberto Gonzalez isn't on the list either.

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OK, all of these things may be enemies of democracy, but can they actually win? The answer may surprise you.

<a href="http:\/\/www.googlefight.com" target="_blank">Going to this informative site</a>, I checked out the prospects of democracy against some of the named opponents above. It did not fare well. The only ones it defeated outright were George Soros and the ACLU, but I figure that's because they usually battle by proxy. While at first blush, democracy does beat Jon Stewart, I believe that is an artifact of Internet spelling skills; when you combine Jon Stewart and John Stewart, democracy loses.

Surprisingly, WikiLeaks and Barack Obama only defeated democracy by small margins, so they might not be quite the bogeymen we thought.

Islam, oil, and America all defeated democracy by enormous margins - 10-1 in some cases. There's your real threat, peoples.

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