looks like utah moms have given up too

Parents' 'Mom Code' keeping Utah students from being tested for coronavirusthe story is that utah moms are not getting their kids tested so that they can keep playing football. sigh

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And letting the economy collapse by not passing any more recovery funding, also too.

It sounds ghoulish and impossible, except for how that's exactly what they did in 2008, when Obama was elected and suddenly the lame duck decided levels of funding they were fine with when it might help Bush and McCain were suddenly overboard.

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You're both right. It's supposed to apply for people who provide essential services, which VPOTUS most definitely isn't.

And on top of that, actual essential workers are not exempt from quarantine rules; that category justifies them being out and about and putting themselves at risk when the public at large is staying in, but it in no way justifies them putting others at risk.

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♫ Happy talk, talk crappy, happy talk,Talk about lies you know suck poo.You gotta have a scheme, if you don't have a scheme,How you gonna make election fraud come true?

Talk about a mook, terminally dense Naughty fly paradin' on his head.Talk about a mook,Name of Michael Pence,Sneeze at rally, uh, oh, you all dead!

Happy talk, talk crappy, happy talk,Talk about lies you know suck poo.You gotta have a scheme, if you don't have a scheme,How you make election grab come true?

Talk about some Boys,Many of them Proud,Plottin' 'sassinations by the score.Talk November third,Voters give the bird.Orange Man declare a Civil War!

Happy talk, talk crappy, happy talk,Talk about lies you know suck poo.You gotta do blaspheme, if you don't do blaspheme,How you make Religious Right vote you?

Talk about a girl and an aging blimp,Going raw dog, empty tiny nuts.Talk about a wife,Bat away his hand,"Fuck that Christmas, also hate your guts."

Happy talk, talk crappy, happy talk,Talk about lies you know suck poo.You gotta have a scheme, if you don't have a scheme,How you make fascistic plot come true?

If you not crappy happy,And you don't have a dream?How you make Vlad Putin's scheme come true? ♫

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Is that a shmoo? My years in a yeast lab mean they seem vaguely obscene now.

Oh, pretty soon we'll be fighting the War on Christmas again, don't forget. Somehow they always claim to be *losing* that one, despite starting earlier and earlier.

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Perfect logic.

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"No.. no...NO!"

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Even Hoover didn't literally infect people with financial collapse.

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I was ready to declare Dubya the worst president ever but my historian brother pointed out Buchanan.

Point taken.

But Trump is worse than Buchanan by leaps and miles and versts.

But Dubya was amazingly bad.

Just chuckled more, a bit.

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Did it.

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Sounds like something Texas would do.

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We really aren’t good at the whole “wars against abstract concepts” thing.

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Has anyone told the Metro Nazi that the '80s called and want him to stop making wired debauchery look so cheap and sleazy?

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It is indeed a shmoo.

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And then the murders began.

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holy shit

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