As I said a bit earlier, as long as there's no conflict in the circuits, the Supreme Court has an excellent excuse to steer clear of this and would probably want to. Even the worst of them have probably caught on to the immense harm they've already done to their side.

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I dunno. Saying mean things about Hitler might alienate their biggest supporters. 'Tis a conundrum.

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Some people think so. Moms for Liberty might be among them.

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Well to be fair, jew=jew as well and will not replace them...


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It's Missing Blonde White Girl Syndrome.

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If Jesus came down from heaven and told these asswipes to back off, they'd call him a 'woke' communist.

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I think the majority of these laws will end up getting overturned. They all violate people's right to privacy.

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This is great news

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Ain't it the truth. That long-haired hippy socialist handing out free fishes and loaves? He would get the bum's rush in a New York minute.

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Amazingly lifelike!

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No, I'm not. I've never quoted Hitler. I've never read or listened to anything he has to say about anything.

So you're going way out of your way to totally miss my point which I knew would happen before I even started.

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District Judge Robert Hinkle is my hero of the week, cause he's been reliable in fighting against DeSantis's madness.

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North Carolina republicans are seeing how close to the cliff they can get before falling off:


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The people Hitler tried to murder have a very useful word which has no good parallel in other languages, so I will quote it here: At this point you are being an absolute "nudnik".

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A win now is a win now. Let us celebrate and rejoice now!The appeal is Future America's problem for right now

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