+1 banged up electric guitar

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Japan has very strict gun rights you know

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Other times, it's Charlotte E Yeager https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I may have got you but what do I do with you?


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Hey I made a furry once.


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Obscure reference, but the 'Nazi rape machine' is probably an accurate metaphor for Trump's campaign. If successful does he become the overfiend?

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Since the art maker is talking to his own character that disobeys them, I think the art maker has more issues than the character.

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It bugs me that the rabbit lady sweats like a non-furred person. Furries don't sweat like that.

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Nonsense. Stein Olsen is never confused.

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What's this anime?

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If Japan had won the war, our eyes would be exactly like that today.

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I had a hunch that's what you meant, but was secretly hoping that "glass shop" referred to a tony Waterford Crystal-type establishment with a black light poster room in back.

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Mine ain't too too bad: our newly-elected PM is committed to a gender-balanced cabinet, which is something....

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