well, China more than the Middle East. ISIS is pretty much persecuting everyone in general and priceless relics in particular.

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we could just institute a bigot tax.

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because some of them insist on living where we do. my town is plagued by Alex Jones and Romeo Rose.

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> They don’t know that if it takes crucifixion, we will stand in line before abandoning our faithhttp://adnanthetraveller.co...

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Get on a plane and want to get to your destination in one piece? Fuck you.

Want to go outside and breathe clean air? Fuck you.

Turn on the tap and expect clean drinkable water? Fuck you.

Knock on your neighbour's door and not get shot? Fuck you, enjoy your bullet.

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besides grabbing from selfie takers and beating them soundly! with VOTES of course!

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Unfortunately the whole Coliseum Lions v Christians thing is a myth.Wild animals v criminals on the other hand.... so just let them break the law with their policies, and THEN get them eaten.

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why do so many believers have to be such jackasses? isn't it in one of their books that they specifically NOT act like jackasses?

maybe that's just a dream i had once.

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Why all the hate for Alex Jones here? She may not be the greatest interviewer in the world but she does provide the 'Dad service' on the One Show


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I wish our worst problem was that Alex Jones. unfortunately, it's a contest between the douchebag contingent and the TX lege.

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Wow. Persecution has really devolved since the first Christian martyrs got chopped to bits and roasted on coals and such. Now all you have to do is get butthurt when other people call you a not nice person for being not nice to people. Feh. They should take the Green Martyrdom the Irish favored and go live in stone huts and meditate on god's mercy all day.

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The imperial Japanese were not liberals.

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On the 4th point of persecution, Libruls persecuted meeee...Four 'borted feti, three less school prayers, two godless clerks, and they told me that transgenders are people tooo,

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So I wonder if maybe the founding fathers didn't have the foresight to make bathroom laws because they had outhouses? And everyone used the same ones?

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"... Christ’s suffering on the cross for three days..."

Actually, judging by the Bible it seems it was more like three hours, as he was taken down once he died. Which, considering he was being punished for everything bad anyone ever did - including Hitler, Stalin and the Bee Gees - really seems like getting off easy. As some wise person said: "Jesus had a really bad weekend for our sins."

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