Thanks for clearing this up, Dok. This has taken over a huge chunk of my Twitter feed today (and I swear I don't follow *that* many accounts across the pond) while leaving me with only a partial understanding of wth was actually going on.

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I know. I could see how hard you were trying. 🤣

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it's because they're too busy talking about how joe biden is history's greatest racist

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"Really, people in other countries still think gross hypocrisy is a bad thing, not simply a style of governing!"


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Not at the mo. Schools are closed. But I have a van full of Olds who want to go to the park.

Bonus ‘rona.

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well, just please be sure to wear your glasses

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Why? The uk gvt hasn’t requested people wear masks. You can’t buy them anywhere. There’s a shortage of PPE for staff who need them in, say, care homes. And the gvt policy on covid-19 is to let it run rampant through the population. There’s no track and trace and no clear guidance for how schools will reopen.

It’s a fucking shit show.

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I’m not sure he’s fully human.

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I want an electric one. Not sure how id charge it, given that I can’t guarantee a parking space in my street, let alone outside my house...

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I broke up with a woman I liked quite a lot when she told me she voted for Trump in '16 because "Hillary was a bitch". That was the whole reason. She even admitted he was a horrible person and a terrible candidate even then. But, well, can't be voting for bitchez I guess... Of course, she still wondered why I just got up and left immediately after admitting all of that. Like, really???

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Why yes, that's the top treatment for the virus! Ger in a car and drive over 200 miles! And when you really want to check your eyesight, nothing better for it than a CAHstle. I mean, if you can't see one of those, perhaps you shouldn't be driving! Pip-pip, bobs your uncle, cheerio Jack-the-Lad!

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Apparently on the trip from London his wife was puking. Can't imagine not stopping for that.

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Problem is, you can’t believe a word that comes out either of their mouths.

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Didn't Princess Sparkletwat, Cyborg Jared and their spawn drive from DC to NJ or vice versa during quarantine? Or fly? Or burrow under the ground?

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The Brits have had evil shitstains around at least since Edward Longshanks, may he have pineapples shoved up his jacksie for eternity.

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