Ok...been thinking about this for a bit now. This super gun can fire explosive rounds that detonate behind the enemy's cover. Ummm, isn't another name for this mortar or grenade launcher...or, if you're close enough, just a grenade?

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Yeah, but this is AWESOME!!!1!!

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In Lake County Oregon about 28k a year and a house is about 30-50k for a 2 bedroom.

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Well...why didn't they say so? Tax dollars well spent!

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You can if you drop them from a Tornado, we need Kansas Missiles with Dorothy AI.

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There is a difference between reverse engineering human scale electromechanical systems and nano scale electronic ones. Totally non-trivial and out of Russia's depth really, Taiwan on the other hand can probably do it an hour.

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Sriracha sauce here.

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Wouldn't it be far cheaper and effective to bully our enemy like gay kids in high schools and hope they kill themselves? Oh wait, thats right there are more people committing suicide in Afghanistan and Iraq than are being killed by terrorists, TSA or Taliban.

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Uh, that's not mayo....

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Pay for Privates (er...) ranges from $14,136 to $20,304. So you can imagine the Army will be motivated to care for the weapon much more than the one who carries it.

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<i>"Once the trigger is pulled and the round leaves the barrel, a computer chip inside the projectile communicates exactly how far it has traveled, allowing for precise detonation behind or ahead of any target."</i>

While en route, the bullet connects to wonkette where it posts under the name "neilist".

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Jesus used the CHEEK-25 weapon system from Jerico Tech. Sophisticated for its time, the trigger activated a leather strap that turned the user's <i>other</i> cheek toward the enemy. Costing only 35,000 pieces of silver, it was a "game changer".

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After Cyber Monday, Buzzkill Tuesday.

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Here's the gun porn money shot

"It decimates anything within its lethal radius."

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That was brilliant. Well done.

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How concerned is the Army about one of its (apparently) underpaid grunts "losing" their weapon for, say, six months' pay?

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