and birds.

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Did he know who killed Laura Palmer?

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One of HW Bush's sons didn't do too well with the brains or compassion.

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I think you'd do better trying to sell it to the Daily Beast.

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i was thinking of that yesterday. i was also thinking of the fact that pretty much every white house family that's had kids living in the white house (at least in last 50 ish years) has had only daughters. nixons, carter, clinton, shrub, obamas.


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malia is SUCH a beauty.

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almost as good as cephalopods.

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and i'm not sure shrub's girls where all the horrible. speaking as a former wild child i can appreciate another wild child.

and neither girl seems to be doing much that's offensive.

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yeah and mr. fuflans reminds me CONSTANTLY that we should have won the election by MUCH bigger margins considering how whacked out the republicans have become. and that we have to be seriously vigilant.

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i have a theory. these girls - in arguably the world's biggest fishbowl - are SO normal. and by normal, i mean normal for the pre-internet era. and so much more grounded than so many kids their age. they seem like actual kids, not aspiring supermodels with sharing problems.

so my theory is: the presidential bubble has its upside.

also: if you can't see how inherently conservative this family is, you are one deluded partisan motherfucker.

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In between crafting ads that thinly veil an invitation for crazy mutherfuckers to shoot a couple of schoolgirls. Because tweeting Assassinate the President just doesn't cover all the bases.

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Can't be a normal, real American family if you're that color. It's not racist; it's just a fact.

This is why they are hated: they ruined those delicious school lunches we all used to enjoy so much, and now they're ruining apple pie. Everything is just ruined. Everything.

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Heh heh heh

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~Nice time (not nice time) is sometimes exhausting. Thank you, Wonkette.

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