"A Storm Foretold" by Guldbrandsen has the Jan 6th riots at the end, shown from the perspective of one who did not get invited to speak, after all (Roger Stone). Stone is very clearly apprehensive about not being in the right place.
Ballet stuffing, deleting Philadelphia, fraud, violence, propaganda, agitprop, it was *all* on the table. That's what's truly missing in the discussion, the big fat scope of it all. The media will still focus on little pieces and debate them individually to death, but in court the jury will see the whole of it at once, and it will be as clear as a bell.
I think this new indictment is well done because while it avoids the complications of outright charging Trump with "insurrection" (which I think would be suitable, don't get me wrong), it sidles right up to it. It calls him out for engaging in multiple conspiracies to commit crimes that fundamentally undermine our democratic system and thereby betray all Americans. This liar and knave needs to be brought to justice briskly -- it's been too long already. Trump is a disaster waiting to happen again: if he wins the election in 2024, that's the end of the republic ("no half-measures," as Mike Ehrmantrout says to Walter White in Breaking Bad), and if he loses, he will not accept the results because it means his legal outcomes will overwhelm him. If memory serves, that's why Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army: he knew it was treasonous, but his enemies were going to take him down if he didn't, so he took the fateful step. Trump (though certainly no "Caesar" in terms of intellect or skill) would be similarly desperate and reckless -- he obviously sees the current DOJ and others investigating him as his personal enemies.
Trump never wanted to win in 2020. He want to lose so he could claim the election was STOLEN. So that he then could have a big assed COUP. And then all the things the Dems and the courts wouldn't let him do in his first term, he could do in the second. This is what his reptile brains calls win-win.
I just want to rage more and hear more about the fact that this was coming off the George Floydd protests that summer. The trump administration pressed police and the people in charge of the police to be brutal, to kettle people, to hunt people down, to hurt people unnecessarily. They encouraged the public to view this as justified, they encouraged a judicial regime to violete protesters' civil rights and charge protesters with terrorism charges.
That's good practice for what they wanted to do after January 6th. You could even say laying the ground work for it. Shaping the battlefield, as they say.
Trump can’t have been working on anything other than the coup from the time of the election. Someone needs to transcribe the indictment into a sequential listing of the dates and the activities to show how much work they were putting into this.
It can't, at least by sane people. Unfortunately, his most cultist followers are not in that category. I hope they televise the D.C. trial -- many people aren't even going to bother reading the relatively brief indictment, but the trial would make for riveting viewing, and it should provide counter-images to Trump's idiot-rallies and the inevitable (already starting now) fanning out of his apologists to spew lies across all the political talk shows.
I've been INUNDATED with spam from losing Rethug campaigns and received one today from Trump Save America JFC. JFC I wonder of the Rubes realize they're getting scammed? He's going up on the cross so we don't have to I guess...
Gotta love DJT doin' his fake "gangsta lean" behind the podium w/overcoat and extra kool Leather Gloves. I doubt if even Mel is going for that bullshit any more, if she ever did in the first place.
In a cell, alone.
I thought the military could not be compelled to follow an illegal order.
Oh, those silly old laws. Pish posh. We don't need to pay attention to them.
"RSVP to the insurrection"
Dear Miss Manners: I have recently received an invitation I wish to refuse; however...
A Confederacy of Dunces.
"A Storm Foretold" by Guldbrandsen has the Jan 6th riots at the end, shown from the perspective of one who did not get invited to speak, after all (Roger Stone). Stone is very clearly apprehensive about not being in the right place.
Ballet stuffing, deleting Philadelphia, fraud, violence, propaganda, agitprop, it was *all* on the table. That's what's truly missing in the discussion, the big fat scope of it all. The media will still focus on little pieces and debate them individually to death, but in court the jury will see the whole of it at once, and it will be as clear as a bell.
I think this new indictment is well done because while it avoids the complications of outright charging Trump with "insurrection" (which I think would be suitable, don't get me wrong), it sidles right up to it. It calls him out for engaging in multiple conspiracies to commit crimes that fundamentally undermine our democratic system and thereby betray all Americans. This liar and knave needs to be brought to justice briskly -- it's been too long already. Trump is a disaster waiting to happen again: if he wins the election in 2024, that's the end of the republic ("no half-measures," as Mike Ehrmantrout says to Walter White in Breaking Bad), and if he loses, he will not accept the results because it means his legal outcomes will overwhelm him. If memory serves, that's why Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army: he knew it was treasonous, but his enemies were going to take him down if he didn't, so he took the fateful step. Trump (though certainly no "Caesar" in terms of intellect or skill) would be similarly desperate and reckless -- he obviously sees the current DOJ and others investigating him as his personal enemies.
As long as he crosses the Potomac, headed south on a permanent basis...
His tonsorial issues are certainly Caesarly.
Right after: ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia" and "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line’.”
Trump never wanted to win in 2020. He want to lose so he could claim the election was STOLEN. So that he then could have a big assed COUP. And then all the things the Dems and the courts wouldn't let him do in his first term, he could do in the second. This is what his reptile brains calls win-win.
He was happy either way, but he does hate to lose - and he really hated losing to an old guy.
I just want to rage more and hear more about the fact that this was coming off the George Floydd protests that summer. The trump administration pressed police and the people in charge of the police to be brutal, to kettle people, to hunt people down, to hurt people unnecessarily. They encouraged the public to view this as justified, they encouraged a judicial regime to violete protesters' civil rights and charge protesters with terrorism charges.
That's good practice for what they wanted to do after January 6th. You could even say laying the ground work for it. Shaping the battlefield, as they say.
Trump can’t have been working on anything other than the coup from the time of the election. Someone needs to transcribe the indictment into a sequential listing of the dates and the activities to show how much work they were putting into this.
So, kinda, more or less,--Lose, Bitch & Moan, Coup, Coup, Bitch, Moan, Coup, Oh FFS...
Trump committed these crimes in broad daylight, in front of TV cameras. How can his guilt be denied?
It can't, at least by sane people. Unfortunately, his most cultist followers are not in that category. I hope they televise the D.C. trial -- many people aren't even going to bother reading the relatively brief indictment, but the trial would make for riveting viewing, and it should provide counter-images to Trump's idiot-rallies and the inevitable (already starting now) fanning out of his apologists to spew lies across all the political talk shows.
I've been INUNDATED with spam from losing Rethug campaigns and received one today from Trump Save America JFC. JFC I wonder of the Rubes realize they're getting scammed? He's going up on the cross so we don't have to I guess...
BREAKING NEWS - Ron DeSantis Holding Car Accident Press Conference
Gotta love DJT doin' his fake "gangsta lean" behind the podium w/overcoat and extra kool Leather Gloves. I doubt if even Mel is going for that bullshit any more, if she ever did in the first place.
I think she has always been paid to be there and never bought any of the bullshit