It starts with careful choice of parents. Obviously, you blew it.

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We don't get some goddam snowfall, shit's gonna get touchy around here this summer.

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HAARP! Chemtrails! Argle!

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Not to worry. It'll quit before it reaches the east coast.

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If only Obama's home state was something American like Mississippi. But if that was his home state he probably would be in prison instead of the White House. Which would suit the wingnuts just fine. If only Obama ate American food like George Bush did. Chicken-fried steak, Tex-Mex enchiladas, and alcohol-free beer. If only Michelle wore plain American clothes like Barbara Bush and Pat Nixon did.

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Paid for by the taxpayer.

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Vladimir Putin?

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HAHAHA - Washedup Times pulled the photo from the story, <b>and</b> deleted the whole Obama angle - <b>and</b> selectively deleted all comments pointing out their dishonesty.

When your "news"paper takes its journimalistic ethics cues from Jim Hoft, you just might have a problem. Not that they actually consider it a problem.

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And, take their guns!

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Ha, you might want to stay out of Phoenix or you'll really blow a gasket

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shit is gonna get real in about 30-40 years. I've listened to a bunch of long term regional water planning sessions and all the conservation in the world is only going to prolong the inevitable water wars for a few years

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She's working on a tan, just to rub it in.

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There's a couple hundred thousand who didn't survive. It can only be his profound stupidity that lets the dumbfuck sleep at night.

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Whatever happened to Dumbya's "Mission Accomplished" banner? I'm pretty sure it's not hanging from the rafters at the G.W. Bush Bookrack and Museum.

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I'm sure the poorz would be cleared out of the area (for "security"), lest Egg see one of them.

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And besides, "clearing brush" (if it ever existed outside of photo-ops) at home is "working", not "vacation".

(Actual excuse from wingnut in Warshtime comments.) (Do not read the comments.)

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