Jeb Bush -- who has got to be tired by now of being laughingly referred to as "the smart one," but screw him, let's never stop doing that, he IS supposed to be the smart one, isn't he?
a) Std. phrase. I take it you've never seen or heard it before?b) It was intended for trolls and other fools who are reading/posting to wonkette for a very small value of amusement. (And I think most of them get moderated....)
Why, how generous of you! It's not every Wonker who provides so thoughtfully for the trollish. Perhaps there's a medal or decoration someone can rake up on your behalf.
Ah, Wolfie, the stupidest motherfucker in the world.
a) Std. phrase. I take it you've never seen or heard it before?b) It was intended for trolls and other fools who are reading/posting to wonkette for a very small value of amusement. (And I think most of them get moderated....)
"...surrounded by African-American community leaders at the Fairview Missionary Baptist Church here..."
PHOTO OP! You've got a future, m'boy....
At least Jeb wouldn't have used so much tongue. He's smarter.
Where's the Kickstarter? I'm in for $5 to get this so-crazy-it-just-might-work humdinger into production.
Maybe YOU don't.
i never ever ever wanted to see those names again.
except on an extradition list.
Not once in my youthful life, I assure you.
Why, how generous of you! It's not every Wonker who provides so thoughtfully for the trollish. Perhaps there's a medal or decoration someone can rake up on your behalf.
Nuffink, I tellz ya, NUFFINK!!
Or summat like that. How's the foot, dude?
Deservedly. *sharpens fangs*
but they do shoot them, don't they?
I hear there's rumors on the internets that Hillary can lick Bush.
Then we could hypothetically eat any endangered species we like!Or each other.
He's having a long coffee break.
Les Claypool LIBEL!!!
Every person on the planet knows at least one Primus song, namely, the opening theme song for South Park.
How about one of those cakes we like?