They do allow other faces on there for about an hour a day.


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Terry Tate approves the above comment https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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you know how i know straight white man IS NOT the new N-word?

because you refer to the word nigger as the N-word and able to say straight white man without calling it the SWM word.

so go fuck yourself and your white privilege.

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yeah but at least Guy hasn't ( i don't think he has) said or tweeted about how the food-douchebag-looking ( but oddly not a douche douche, he does nice stuff guys) white guys is the new n-word.

btw hates Guy's restaurants but give him props for showcasing these mom and pop joints.

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that was always my thought, straight white male = whiny little bitch.

though i probably wouldn't say bitch ( have been working that one out of my own personal lexicon) maybe whiny little shits could substitute.

cuz bitches be tough. bitches been putting up with shit for years and still thought as weak. someone calls you a bitch....you be damn right you whiny shit.

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I want to know that last time he sat at a food counter and his fellow restaurant guests dumped condiments on him because they felt that he didn’t belong.

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or attempted and successfully strung him up a tree when he allegedly whistle at a white woman, and did so when he was like fucking 14 goddamn years old.

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And women have had to fight to get hired for dangerous jobs.

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If I cared about your opinion, that might hurt.

Wallow in your bitterness.

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Who the fuck is McInnes ?! Never fucking heard of him until this article showboating him as a complete douche-canoe.

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Agree !

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How I feel about these men all the goddamn time: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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It's Bobby Flay who is on Food Network with wayyyy too many shows. Guy Fieri is second to him. D;

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The problem is that straight white men have opinions on everything, even things that they have absolutely no experience or expertise on. Mansplain did not become a buzzword out of 'misandry' but because it was a perfect term to explain just how often men tried to (incorrectly) explain things to women who knew more. As someone who studied psychology, I get a lot of white men (especially Jordan Peterson's fans) who try to explain psychology to me often using the pseudoscience evolutionary psychology. I don't get it as often from men of color.And when the discussion of sexual racism comes up, it is 99% sure that the person coming in to say that "sexual racism isn't a thing; everyone is entitled to preferences that include not considering dating anyone from a specific race" is going to be white.

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