This is JUST like foucault's pendulum.

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The Magical Mystery Tour is hoping to take you away.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I think the most shocking revelation is that a "top republican strategist" still uses AOL. Explains so much.

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I've got news for the idiot with the laptop: it was not brought to him or her by "capitalism", but by government R&D.

This is the big lie of IT: it's all the government's fault that we have computers in the first place, not to mention the Intertubes themselves.

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Nukwear's brother.

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At least Butler and Wessel were married. Family values, people!

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I think that was the template for the whole thing.

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Uber alles, I think.

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Now, be nice. My Aunt Katy does send some good recipes and family pictures mixed in with the right-wing spam.

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Interesting but no James O'Keefe.

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Ratfuckers gonna ratfuck. In this case, badly.

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Huh it is almost as if there is some sort of pattern. Be mean to, or even, against Trump and something gets hacked while Trump himself twitters about how sad you are.

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Jacobus got a phone call from someone who claimed to be an adviser to Carly Fiorina’s campaign. One of Fiorina’s donors had died, the caller said, and was being replaced by said caller.

This is just wonderful. Picture the macchiavelllian inner life of the Fiorina campaign, which wouldn't allow you to donate unless the donor before you died and left a spot open. The family of the previous donor, hiding somewhere in Europe from the shadowy wannabe bundler who may have taken out grandpa, were too afraid to speak to reporters...

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It's like the donor version of Rhode Island!

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Это совпадение.

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