Except Oprah, of course. You always have to respect Oprah's va-jay-jay. (If you ever watched "The Soup" you feel me.)

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It's so sad to me that women (and men) listen to this propaganda and believe it. Against their own interests, they'll fight those demonized "libtards" and "feminazis" to the end.

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And what's with the "I shouldn't have to feel guilty" I keep hearing? Who asked you to? I think this is a matter of knowing deep down that you're wrong and then putting those words in someone else's mouth.

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I keep seeing this responded to with "hey, Christy". I think the names got changed somewhere in the game of telephone that is Facebook.

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Women born in the last few decades have seen steady progress being made, and probably thought that was the way the country was headed. I know I did; I knew things were bad still for lots of people, and lots of women, but it has seemed for my whole lifetime that we've been making slow but steady progress.

I don't think I ever expected to hit a wall and then be catapulted back 50 years.

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Just World Fallacy. If you let yourself believe that everyone gets what they deserve, then you don't have to feel bad for those who get a raw deal.

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In addition to that, are we allowed to not pay our taxes, since our president (gag) doesn't? I'd like to write across mine "I'll pay when the president both pays his, and shows us his returns".

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Nicely put JAWs, unless you have an enforceable copywrite or TM, I'm stealing it...please.

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Learn to recognize sarcasm, dear. It's a very useful skill.

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I've used that effectively myself.

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I'm not the author. Oops

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I got stopped at "I can work if I want to."

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Shorter version "I have everything I want. If you don't have everything you want, it's your fault, and besides, there's other people in the world (that I don't really know or care anything about) that have it worse than you. So shut up and be grateful" The End

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"I can work if I want". Those 5 words pegged her as a woman who depends on a man to take care of her. She better hope she has a good education and a skill to fall back on if her husband ever leaves her and the kids. Having to enter the workforce with no prior work experiance and starting over, at lets say 40, is hard. I'm doing it at 50.

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David, all rape is brutal. It is by definition brutal. Grabbing women by the pussy is a brutal assault for those who were grabbed. Don't discount the horribly powerful effect having lost control of your genitals will have on your psyche, man.

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