This past year Obama has been linked with space aliens, attempting to set off nukes in America, and not attending church. I'm not sure how things could get worse in 2014 except that Fox News might borrow the trick that North Korean TV readers use: that of basically SHOUTING the news out.

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Darrel Issa must investigate.

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OK, the first thing he should have done after winning election was to eliminate federal laws on marijuana. We all know people who've been popped for it, not to mention the tens of thousands of people including way too many young black guys who did or are doing time for it. The last three fucking Presidents smoked pot as have a large majority of all adults. If they were honest about things. Being able to start huge programs (or end huge wars) is difficult at best but a simple Presidential Directive saying it's time to think about other problems would have been welcomed by most police, clerics, and physicians.

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Those smiles are obviously Photoshopped in. Anyone can tell, from the pixels.

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I won't know what to think until I hear what <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/484160\/stupidest-man-on-the-internet-thinks-obama-thanked-libyan-president-for-killing-our-diplomats" target="_blank">Jim Hoft</a> has to say.

(Linky is for Google; the Wonkerati already know where it goes.)

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Oh Dok & Wonkette commenters (if that were allowed), thanks for all of the laughs. You've made 2013 a far more bearable year than it might have been.

Here's to more derp and laughs for 2014. Stay snarky, friends!

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Of course, the boy's name is Ben Gazi.

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"I, like most Americans, have retched and clawed at my own eyes on seeing black people sitting at tables in the White House, instead of serving. Alas for Traditional America!"


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Twenty-Seven Times the President Pointed His Finger.

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