Reading this left a Steyn on my shorts.

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I doubt that he has a prescription for whatever the hell he's been taking.

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It's almost as if the USA is the Floriduh of Canada.

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Grover tried to push Uncle Joe to shrink government, so Joe had to putsch back.

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Showing that, in addition to being a gaping asshole, Steyn knows nothing about cooking.

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Government = the Daddy We Always Wanted.

GWB: He kept us safe, with one notable exception.

The idea that the preznident is personally responsible for my safety is, to quote a great man, infantile.

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But is it a Grand Bargain or another Can-Kick? Does it include the debt ceiling? Is the cutoff for "The Rich" > $250K/yr?

This is important stuff. Or else it isn't.

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Interesting, it seems that the Dutch version of Big Bird has protested about government cuts to broadcasting in Holland. <a href="http://muppet.wikia.com/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Sesamstraat">http://muppet.wikia.com/wik...

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"Guano Gala" should be a real thing. Or at least a website.

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Marinate three generations of wingnuts in this nonsensical pabulum and it’s no surprise you wind up with innocent logic being distorted beyond recognition.

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Not enough fear. That's the fundamental problem.

The residents of Sesame Street should lapse into uncomfortable silence from time to time about the <i>real</i> monsters lurking on the next block - and their idiotic conspirators within, eager to confiscate all the semiautomatic weapons... for Freedumb.

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The Monsters of Childhood are booking stadium and shed dates across the country for an ambitious summer tour. The Butchers of Darfur are slated to headline the tour, with Elmo's Emo Army, The Big Byrds and the folk duet Bert & Ernie of the New Sesame Street Singers listed as possible support acts.

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Wait until they figure out the truth about Bert and Ernie

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I still love that Steyn quotes some anonymous hack called "Binky" as an authoritative source. Signed, anonymous hack Vienna Woods

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the infantilization of our society? I blame David Vitter...

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the more of these articles I read about the NRO, the more convinced I am that their entire staff is hooked on bath salts- there really is no other explanation for the level of idiocy at that site

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