Okay North or South? I freely admit that I'm way more familiar with the border area in the North, having lived in the border region there for years, and having family on both sides of the border --- we used to cross the Canada/US border like you'd cross a state border, sometimes we didnt even realize we'd done it --- and I am extrapolating to the Southern border, based on how parts of the border cross through towns similar to the Northern border, knowledge learned through study of the area, and anecdotal evidence from others who lived in Texas border towns / sister cities. I know the *whole* Southern border isnt like that (just like the whole Northern border isnt like the NY/New England area) but I wasnt trying to argue that it was....

Its whatever, this thread has gone way off topic from the original comment, I cant even remember what my actual point was anymore. Ah well

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Wouldn't matter. The children of a citizen who's been a resident of the USA for a certain number of years as an adult is also a citizen. So even if Trump's kids were born in Kenya they'd be US citizens. (Yes, Birtherism was really fucking stupid).

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I've actually lived in a "border town" for many years and I get the feeling that your thoughts are abstract and not really based on a reality. Your heart's in the right place, though.

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He has ERP (Exceptionally Racist Perception), so he be able to tell anyway.

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I heard that Ivana Trump was not a citizen when she birthed Trump's spawn. Glass houses...stones

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Or safety glasses during eclipses. God why didn’t that fucker go blind? Then he’d never be able to see anyone’s ethnicity. That would have been awesome!!

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Shhh. Don’t tell them about this guy. Theirs heads would explode. https://www.politico.com/ma...

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What would it matter? Asshole would take it and send the parents home.

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Neat idea. I'm sure after the nuclear winter and vast die-out of most major species, the view stragglers of what was once humanity can come together, reform gov't, and consider your ideas.

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A big part of the "problem" is that many people either treat the borders as interchangeable or simply ignore matters in the north. My line of thinking would be far more pertinent in the south (where I live), where it's much easier to end up out of reach of any kind of care, and would mostly come down to making sure travellers with greater needs have a plan for getting help.

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It said that It has consulted really good lawyers. Of course It hasn't. It wouldn't know a good lawyer if It fell over one. (If only It would.) It has often said that It has "a big brain, a great brain" and that It is Its "own best advisor." It knows more than everybody. No matter how "brilliant" (LOL) this idjit is, It is still wrong, wrong, wrong. It's the Constitution, buddy. You might wanna read it some day. And have your staff explain it to you with pretty little stick figure drawings, since you're utterly illiterate. Dolt.

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Y'know, I get the hardcopy NYTimes every Sunday. And now I'm really starting to wonder if I should bother. NYT, if you don't have the integrity to use the word "LIE" when you talk about the orange idiot in the White House, then shut up, fold up your presses, and go away.

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A case by case basis? So anyone who lives in border towns and happens to get pregnant is going to have to apply for a Constitutional Exemption, (there are a LOT of border towns). Only women of course. Only on the southern border, hm? No worries about all those duel citizens that get born along the northern border due to the large numbers of cross border travelers daily for work, health care, shopping, visiting their neighbors, friends, etc??

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1. So you're saying it's only an issue if its Mexicans crossing the border for healthcare, but not Canadians. Okay then

2. Actually the situation *does* exist on our Southern border! Border towns exist in the South too. Funny that.

3. The US and Mexico actually have a joint commission on border health. It studies and promotes the health along the US-Mexican border, which was "Defined in P.L. 103-400 (22 U.S. Code, 290 n-5) and the La Paz Agreement of 1983, as the area 100 kilometers (62 miles) north and south of the United States-Mexican border. This area includes 80 municipios in 6 Mexican States and 48 counties in 4 U.S. states. For the purposes of the Healthy Border 2010 initiative, the border definition is limited only to the 44 U.S. border counties, excluding Maricopa, Pinal, and La Paz in Arizona and Riverside County in California. "

4. Going back to #2... The governments acknowledge that "Residents of both countries cross the border for a variety of reasons, including work, shopping, health care, visits with friends or relatives, and others. This cross-border traffic is essential to the economies of communities on both sides of the border."

AMAZING what living in a border town is like! It's like crossing the border is a *normal everyday part of life* and makes amending the Constitution to ban women who are past a random gestation period in their pregnancy (which is the comment I originally replied to suggested) ridiculous

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Trump-owned FL condos have offered birther-tourism packages for Russians for years. This has been covered as recently as this year (just Google). Said babies have dual citizenship from birth. He can shove his plans for the 14th Am. up his ample arse.

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My mistake. I thought you were implying that this was the situation along our southern border.

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